4315 BP- Evaluation/Supervision

Board Policy No. 4315
Policy Adopted:  September 2, 2010
Revised: May 30, 2024


The Governing Board believes that regular, comprehensive evaluations designed to hold administrative and supervisory staff accountable for their performance are key to improving their instructional leadership and management skills.

Evaluations shall be linked to the district's vision and goals and school improvement plans. Evaluations shall be used to recognize the exemplary skills and accomplishments of administrative and supervisory employees, serve as a criterion for contract renewals, and identify areas needing improvement. When the evaluation  indicates areas needing improvement, the Board expects employees to take the initiative to improve their performance and for their supervisors to assist them in obtaining needed job skills.

Administrative and supervisory employees shall be evaluated in accordance with provisions of employee contracts and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements as appropriate.

The Superintendent or designee shall make written evaluation procedures available to all administrative and supervisory employees.

An employee shall be evaluated annually for the first and second years of employment as an administrator or supervisor in the district, and at least every two years thereafter, unless otherwise provided for in an employee contract or collective bargaining agreement. Evaluations may occur between scheduled periods at the request of the employee, his/her supervisor, or the Superintendent or designee.

The Superintendent or designee shall establish clear, objective criteria for evaluation based on the job responsibilities of each administrative or supervisory position.

Evaluation criteria for certificated school site administrators may be based on the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL) and also may include, but not be limited to, evidence of: (Education Code 44671)

1. Academic growth of students, based on multiple measures which may include student work as well as student and school longitudinal data that demonstrate academic growth over time

Assessments used for this purpose shall be valid and reliable and used for the intended purposes and for the appropriate student populations. Local and state academic assessments may include, but are not limited to, state
standardized assessments and formative, summative, benchmark, end-of-chapter, end-of-course, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, college entrance, and performance assessments.

2. Effective and comprehensive teacher evaluations, including, but not limited to, curricular and management leadership, ongoing professional development, teacher-principal teamwork, and professional learning communities

3. Culturally responsive instructional strategies to address and eliminate the achievement gap

4. The ability to analyze quality instructional strategies and provide effective feedback that leads to instructional improvement

5. High expectations for all students and leadership to ensure active student engagement and learning

6. Collaborative professional practices for improving instructional strategies

7. Effective school management, including personnel and resource management, organizational leadership, sound fiscal practices, a safe campus environment, and appropriate student behavior

8. Meaningful self-assessment to improve as a professional educator, which may include, but not be limited to, a self-assessment based on the CPSEL and the identification of areas of strengths and areas for professional growth to engage in activities to foster professional growth

9. Consistent and effective relationships with students, parents/guardians, teachers, staff, and other administrators

The evaluation shall be dated and signed by the employee and evaluator. The employee may respond in writing to the evaluation within a reasonable time after receiving a copy of the evaluation. The response shall be attached to the evaluation and placed in the employee's personnel file.

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Codes
Ed. Code 35171, Availability of rules and regulations for evaluation of performance
Ed. Code 44660-44665, Evaluation and assessment of performance of certificated employees
Ed. Code 44670-44671, Principal evaluation
Ed. Code 45113, Notification of charges; classified employees
Gov. Code 3540.1, Public employment; definitions
Gov. Code 3543.2, Scope of representation
Gov. Code 3545, Appropriateness of unit; basis
Management Resources
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, February
Website, CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website, Association of California School Administrators
Website, Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Website, CSBA
Website, California Department of Education
Cross References
0000, Vision
0200, Goals For The School District
0460, Local Control And Accountability Plan
0460, Local Control And Accountability Plan
0500, Accountability
2140, Evaluation Of The Superintendent
4000, Concepts And Roles
4112.6, Personnel Files
4112.8, Employment Of Relatives
4112.9, Employee Notifications
4112.9-E(1), Employee Notifications
4113.5, Working Remotely

4115, Evaluation/Supervision
4115, Evaluation/Supervision
4119.21, Professional Standards
4119.21-E(1), Professional Standards
4140, Bargaining Units
4159, Employee Assistance Programs
4212.6, Personnel Files
4212.8, Employment Of Relatives
4213.5, Working Remotely
4219.21, Professional Standards
4219.21-E(1), Professional Standards
4240, Bargaining Units
4259, Employee Assistance Programs
4300, Administrative And Supervisory Personnel
4300, Administrative And Supervisory Personnel
4301, Administrative Staff Organization
4312.1, Contracts
4312.6, Personnel Files
4312.8, Employment Of Relatives
4313.5, Working Remotely
4319.21, Professional Standards
4319.21-E(1), Professional Standards
4331, Staff Development
4340, Bargaining Units
4359, Employee Assistance Programs
6020, Parent Involvement
6020, Parent Involvement
6141.5, Advanced Placement
6162.5, Student Assessment
6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests
6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests
9000, Role Of The Board
9321, Closed Session
9321-E(1), Closed Session
9321-E(2), Closed Session

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