
Our award-winning preschool has low-cost and flexible options for all families

For 3- and 4-year olds

Minimum age: 3 years old by December 1, 2024
Maximum age: 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2024.

Conveniently located

Near Castro/Mistral Elementary Schools (1850 Latham St.) and
Theuerkauf Elementary (1625 San Luis Ave.)


Preschool classes chart English
Preschool classes chart Spanish

Set up your child for future success in school

Children in preschool learn the skills that are crucial for academic success. Give them the foundation of age-appropriate early math, language, literacy and science inquiry, as well as social-emotional development.

We are a high quality, award-winning, early education program

* California School Boards Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Recipient
* Platinum Level/Top-Tier Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Rating
* High-quality Inclusion Endorsement from the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Inclusion Collaborative and 2019 Inclusion Collaborative’s Inclusion Team/Teacher of the Year

The MVWSD is committed to providing quality early education because we understand the importance of early brain development and its impact on future learning and success.  We are a proud participant in Quality Matters and the QRIS, and all of our preschool sites are independently rated at the highest levels.  The MVWSD Preschool Program is also the recipient of the 2018 California School Boards Association's Golden Bell Award in Early Childhood Education and Inclusion Endorsements from Santa Clara County's Inclusion Collaborative

We use a developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports kindergarten readiness and is aligned with the California Department of Education's Preschool Learning Foundations. Our classroom and office staff work diligently with our students and their families to build a strong foundation that will last a lifetime. Any family living in Mountain View with an age-eligible child is invited to apply for preschool services. 

link to preschool video thumbnail

Click on this video link to see adventures in early learning MVWSD's preschool.


Apply Now for the 2024-25 School Year!
Please email your questions and/or waiting list application to [email protected] or call (650) 526-3560

Barack & Michelle Obama Preschool at Latham Lic.#434400230   *  Barack & Michelle Obama Preschool at Theuerkauf Lic.#434410800  
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