The Technology Department supports the technology needs of students, teachers, and staff. We maintain the software, hardware, network, and digital security of the school district.
We have a 1:1 take home learning environment where we provide and manage Chromebooks for all students in grades K - 8. As we strive for equity, we also provide CBRS networks - MVWSD Connect - for quality internet at home for all students.
MVWSD is one of only 28 districts nationwide this year to join the DigitalPromise League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition connecting the most forward-thinking educational leaders and districts in the country.
Department Directory
Tech Support
Jon Aker - Director of Technology
Veronica Del Rio - Department Secretary
Nick Haffen - Network Administrator
Cihan Ozurk - Network Technician
Dau Tran - Technology Support Technician
Peter Dinh - Technology Support Technician
Roy Lin - Technology Support Technician
Alberto Prado - Technology Support Technician
Haley Libuit - Technology Integration Coach
Alejandra Garcia - Information Services Supervisor
Joanne Doria - Information Services Technician
Thiranjani Fernando - Information Services Technician