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Local Funding Could Maintain
High-Quality Education and
Keep Teachers in Local Schools
* Attract and retain qualified teachers with competitive compensation so the best teachers can continue to live and work here
* Provide rigorous academics and enrichment to all students
* Provide academic support for those students having difficulty with some of the basics like reading, writing, or math
* Ensure that schools meet all children’s essential social and emotional needs, including the addition of a counselor at
each of the elementary schools
* Maintain science, math, technology and hands-on learning so students develop vital skills |
What's on the
Nov. 5, 2024 Ballot?
*Measure AA - Parcel Tax
*Ballot language: "To maintain local funding for high-quality elementary and middle schools; attract and retain qualified teachers; provide academic support for students struggling with reading and writing; and enhance science, technology, engineering, arts and math programs; shall Mountain View Whisman School District's measure renewing parcel tax authority at $0.15/building area square foot capped at $1,750/parcel and $25/unimproved parcel, to be adopted, raising approximately $5,400,000 annually for 8 years, with senior exemptions, citizens' oversight, and funds staying local?"
Identifying Local Solutions to Teacher Retention and Student Achievement
With more than 4,500 students and 306 teachers across 11 schools, Mountain View Whisman School District (MVWSD) is proud to provide a quality education that is tailored to the unique needs of each of our students. Students leave our campuses having received a well-rounded education, ensuring they thrive academically, socially, and emotionally and are prepared for success in high school, college, and future careers.
High Cost of Living Is Pricing Out Local Teachers
In our community, high-quality teachers play a pivotal role in delivering a quality education to our students. However, the soaring cost of living in our area has made it increasingly challenging for teachers to make ends meet. Without an additional source of local funding, it will be difficult for MVWSD to provide competitive wages, reduce turnover rates, and keep quality teachers and staff in local schools.
Providing an Exceptional Education Remains the Top Priority
All students deserve to be met where they are academically with exceptional instruction. At different times, students need both enrichment and support. 37% of the students in our District are either English Language Learners, foster youth, or experiencing homelessness and face significant barriers when it comes to academics. We are proud of the initiatives our District has undertaken, such as providing Internet and Chromebooks for every child, expanding after- school programs to keep kids safe, and offering specialized instruction to increase literacy rates in order to reverse the adverse effects the pandemic had on our students — but further funding is needed to continue and expand upon these types of programs.
Local Funding for Our Schools Is Set to Expire
Residents have historically supported Mountain View Whisman schools through voter- approved parcel tax funding that is used to attract and retain highly-qualified teachers, support struggling students, and maintain high student achievement. The most recent approval was in 2017, for a period of eight years, set to expire in 2025. Unless this source of funding is renewed, there’s a risk of cuts to vital academic programs and salaries for teachers.
Potential Renewal Parcel Tax Measure Could Reduce the Burden on Single-Family Homes
The Board of Trustees on June 13, 2024, approved placing a measure on the November 5 ballot to renew expiring parcel tax funding. Due to recent changes in state law, the District is able to pursue a measure based on the square footage of buildings on a given parcel, meaning single-family homeowners could pay lower rates than large property owners. The Board approved a rate of 15 cents per building square foot with a cap on the amount any one parcel could pay.
Parcels without any buildings on them would pay $25. For the average Mountain View home — which is 1,734 square feet — that translates to approximately $261 per year, a $70 increase. Any home or building smaller than 1,270 square feet would see a decrease in their property taxes.
Fiscal Accountability and Local Control
Any potential local funding measure would include the same fiscal accountability requirements already in place, including:
* All proceeds would be controlled locally and could not be taken away by the State
* None of the money raised could be used for administrators’ salaries or pensions
* Independent citizens’ oversight and mandatory annual audits would help ensure funds are spent as voters intended
* Senior citizen homeowners would continue to be eligible for an exemption from the cost
We Want to Hear from You!
As we plan for the future of our local schools, we would like your thoughts. If you have questions or input that you would like to share, please don’t hesitate to email [email protected].
Fact Sheet
Mailer to the Community 1 (April)
Mailer to the Community 2 (June)
Frequently Asked Questions
En Español
Haga clic en estos recursos para conocer una posible medida fiscal en la boleta electoral de noviembre de 2024 que renovaría fondos críticos para nuestras escuelas.

Hoja de hechos
Correo a la Comunidad 2 (Junio)
Preguntas frecuentes