California School Dashboard

MVWSD Dashboard presentation    Dashboard presentation (en español)
MVWSD Fact sheet (en español)
The California School Dashboard has a new look!
Getting to know the California State Dashboard

State's accountability system

California has a website designed to help communities across the state access important information about K–12 districts and schools. Called the California School Dashboard, the site features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success:

State Indicators

• High School Graduation Rate (does not apply to MVWSD)
• Academic Performance
• Suspension Rate
• English Learner Progress 
• College/Career Readiness (does not apply to MVWSD)
• Chronic Absenteeism 

Local Indicators

• Basics: Teachers, Instructional Materials, Facilities
• Implementation of Academic Standards
• Parent and Family Engagement
• Local Climate Survey
• Access to a Broad Course of Study

The Dashboard is part of California's school accountability system based on 2013's Local Control Funding Formula. This system replaces the former API (Academic Performance Index) score that parents are familiar with.

To learn more about California's accountability and continuous improvement efforts, visit the CDE Dashboard Web page.

What does the Dashboard measure? 

In the past, accountability systems for districts and schools relied solely on test scores. But one test taken on one particular day doesn't provide a complete picture of all the ways schools are helping students succeed. The Dashboard provides information on different aspects of student performance, which will give a more complete picture of a school’s progress. The Dashboard also reports on growth to show a school’s trajectory over time. There are three key concepts to the development of the Dashboard. First, the California School Dashboard is comprised of multiple measures and does not rely exclusively on test scores. Second, the dashboard focuses on equity and includes detailed data about student and school performance broken down into sub-groups of students. And third, the Dashboard supports local decision-making by making data easy to understand for schools and communities and supports the existing Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plans for each school district. 

How is the Dashboard used?

The Dashboard is a key part of California's commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. California's future success depends on tapping into the potential of all students, so they graduate ready for college, careers and life. For schools to reach this goal, teachers, parents and the community need clear and useful measures of progress. As an accountability tool, the Dashboard will help the state identify schools (including charter schools) and districts needing targeted assistance. Additionally, the Dashboard will help Districts and schools identify areas of strength and target areas that need additional support.

What does it look like?

The Dashboard shows the performance levels using the color-coded symbols. link to graphic of state dashboard symbols


Parents can use the Dashboard to compare student performance (at district or school level) to state-level performance. These comparisons include information on equity, and detailed student-level performance data.
link to Dashboard report graphic

How does this Dashboard relate to the District's LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan)?

The Dashboard shows how a district or school is performing by indicator and by student group. The district and school leaders, staff members, families, and community stakeholders will be able to use the dashboard and the rubrics to help determine which LCAP actions are having the biggest impact and which need to be revised for better results.

The LCAP outlines how the district plans to support student achievement, and how it is using its financial resources to get results. The plan must address the state’s identified eight priorities or areas — both inside and outside of the classroom — that impact student achievement. With the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), school districts receive a base amount of funding for each student, and additional funding for students identified as low-income, English learner, and/or foster youth.

What's new?

There is now the California School Dashboard Navigator, which is an interactive mapping tool for visualizing school and student group performance. The map displays schools by their color-coded performance level for each of the state indicators and student groups. Users can target their searches by specific geographic areas and refine their searches using a set of interactive charts

What’s next?

The Dashboard is deliberately designed to be a work in progress: Metrics and reports will be added over time.
While schools are making progress in many key areas there is always more work to do. The Dashboard is part of an ongoing conversation with our community on both how we're doing and how we can do better.

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