
i-Ready is an online program that helps us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth in mathematics and reading. i-Ready assessments are important tools for teachers to adjust instruction to benefit every child, and for parents to monitor and support their student’s progress. With i-Ready, parents will receive regular reports about student progress throughout the year, and students will receive real-time progress data. Additionally, your child can access i-Ready instruction at home to supplement, reinforce and enrich his/her classroom learning. 

 i-Ready provides data and resources to parents and teachers so they may support their students’ academic progress.

Why is MVWSD using i-Ready?

* Teachers can adjust student groupings and lessons based on students’ needs as outlined in the i-Ready assessment results. i-Ready provides detailed and timely information about how their students are doing.

* Parents now have regular reports about how their students’ academic progress.  i-Ready provides detailed information about how students are progressing on each grade-level standard. These reports will be sent home after the December and May assessments.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the next test?

i-Ready diagnostic assessments will be administered three times a year in August, December, and May.  Reports will be shared with parents soon after each administration.

Why is my student’s i-Ready performance data important?

Throughout the year, it’s important we measure students’ growth in order to inform instruction. Teachers assess what students know and need to learn in both the classroom and during RTI time.  i-Ready is one of the assessments teachers give in order to determine RTI groupings and classroom instruction.

What will the parent reports look like?

For Families Report

The For Families Report is sent to families after each diagnostic assessment to show overall performance,  level by domain, and growth from the previous assessment.

* your student’s overall score and growth since August (math)
* your student’s overall score and growth since August (language arts)
* detailed report of how your student performed on each grade-level standard (math) 
* detailed report of how your student performed on each grade-level standard (language arts).

This is what the report looks like:

i ready reading sample
for families iready report

California Common Core State Standard (CCCS) Report

The California Common Core State Standard (CCCS) Report is sent to families after each diagnostic assessment and shows student performance on each grade level standard. The standards are marked with a green check (standard was assessed and mastered), open check (means standard was assessed and partially mastered) and a blank space (means standards was either not assessed or not mastered). 

Parents are encouraged to check with their child’s teacher to determine whether a standard has been taught.  Standards are introduced throughout the year, and it is possible that an unchecked standard has yet to be taught. We’d expect to see each box checked at the end of the year, but not in December. Teachers would expect students to grow during the year as they learn new material. 

link to standards growth report graphic

“Diagnostic Growth Report”

The Diagnostic Growth Report visually represents students’ growth in an academic year and progress toward two growth targets; Typical Growth and Stretch Growth.  When we report the percent of students who have made one years worth of growth, we are referring to the typical Growth that you see on your child’s report. Thus, if a student meets 100% of their annual typical growth, they have met their year’s growth target.  Stretch Growth shows how a student is progressing toward an ambitious but achievable target intended to put the student on a path to proficiency or advanced placements over time. Diagnostic Growth Reports are available after Diagnostic 2 and Diagnostic 3. 

Here is what a Diagnostic Growth Report looks like.
iready growth report

How do I access my child's reports?

1. Click this link to access the online PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps.mvwsd.org/public/ and sign in.

If you already have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, you may use your Username and Password to sign in. To recover your password, you may use the "Forgot Username or Password" link.

If you don’t have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact your school office.

2. Click on your student’s name on the top menu bar (not necessary if you only have one student).

3. Click on “parent reports” in the navigation column on the left hand side of the page. 
graphic- i ready report

4. On the “parent reports” page, select the download icon on the right of each i-Ready report file and download it to your computer or open it in your internet browser for viewing.
link to powerschool navigation- parent reports graphic

Repeat to view each report from the current i-Ready Diagnostic. There will be one of each report from language arts, and one for math.

5. If you have more than one child in the district, return to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and click on your other students, and repeat Step 2 to view.

Is i-Ready the only test the District uses? 

i-Ready is only one measure of your child’s academic progress. To best support each child, teachers use this assessment in conjunction with other District assessments, chapter tests and teacher-designed quizzes to check for understanding. i-Ready replaces District Benchmark assessments, so the number of tests has not increased.

What should parents do with the i-Ready report?

The data in these reports gives parents insight into their students’ academic growth. As your child's first teacher, this data empowers you to have meaningful conversations with teachers and helps you know what additional practice and/or challenge work your children need at home. The school-parent partnership is essential for students’ success. In addition to classroom instruction, talk to your teacher about what activities you can do at home to best support your child. Your child can access i-Ready at home to supplement, reinforce and enrich his/her classroom learning. 

Where can I address specific questions about my student’s performance?

Your child’s teacher is the best resource for information about your child’s progress. 

What will the school do to help my child in areas where he/she is struggling or excelling?

i-Ready data will be used to tailor instruction to what students need during core instruction and RTI (Response to Instruction) time. Teachers will work with students in small groups to increase or enhance their understanding of material. i-Ready data helps to inform enrichment and intervention for every student. 

Can I see my child’s i-Ready test?

i-Ready is computer-adaptive, meaning the questions your child gets are based on his/her performance on the assessment in the moment. While the questions are not available for viewing, the detailed reports parents receive will show them students’ progress on grade-level standards.

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