Today, Superintendent Dr. Rudolph hosted a virtual community meeting. He hosts these informal conversations throughout the school year. Please join us for an upcoming meeting or view recordings of past meetings. Upcoming dates and recordings are here. Spanish interpretation is available.
Highlights from today’s conversation:
MVWSD recognizes that poor air quality due to wildfire smoke is happening with more regularity. While we develop guidelines with stakeholder input, we'll monitor the air quality index (AQI) using EPA’s AQI monitoring tools at We’ll also be talking with the Board and stakeholders about the specific guidelines for school activities and schedules and actions needed when air quality is reduced to “unhealthy” levels.
Our schools’ HVAC systems have been updated to include MERV-13 filters, which is the highest-grade filter available for our units, or air purifiers with filtration ratings at least as high as the MERV-13. These improvements will minimize COVID transmission as well as protect classroom air quality during wildfires. Bipolar ionization, a new technology, is another safety measure MVWSD plans to add to its upgraded HVAC system after testing. Our District works with mechanical engineers who advise us on settings and upgrades.
We will continue to be vigilant against COVID transmission. Our staff members have a high rate of vaccination - 91%. You can view the statistics here.
Pooled COVID testing for students will be available at school soon. Parents can opt in their children and swab testing will be done in the classroom. Results are confidential because all swabs are tested together for one result for the entire class. If there is a positive test, there will be retesting, notifications and quarantines when appropriate. More information will be coming to parents soon.
Volunteers are welcomed, but safety is important. Masked, vaccinated volunteers may be at school in 6 ft social distance from students. The Raptor check in system in place in every front office will soon have the capability for parent volunteers to get a badge that can be used regularly to sign in. After vaccination and safety protocols are checked, you’ll be able to sign in by swiping a volunteer badge.
As a result of stakeholder feedback from the spring on what students need after a disrupted year, MVWSD has allocated funds for student orientation activities, social-emotional learning and targeted tutoring. Over the next two years, each school will be developing and rolling out these plans for the benefit of students.