6152 BP - Class Assignment

Board Policy No. 6152
Policy reviewed: January 10, 2019


 The Governing Board believes students should be assigned to classes and/or grouped in a manner that provides the most effective learning environment for all students.

When assigning students to specific courses and classes, the principal or designee may consider the following criteria as appropriate for the grade level and course:

1.  Staff recommendation, including, but not limited to, the recommendations of teachers and counselors

2.        Skills and classroom management style of individual teachers

3.    Student skill level as indicated by multiple objective academic measures, such as student assessment results, grade point average, and grades in prerequisite courses

4.         Balance of high, medium, and low academic achievers

5.         Student interests, readiness, behavior, and motivation

6.   Student/teacher ratios and, if relevant, class size reduction considerations

The principal or designee may accept from parents/guardians any information which would be helpful in making placement decisions. However, a parent/guardian who provides such information shall be informed that a request for a specific teacher shall be one of many factors which may be taken into account when determining his/her child's placement.

During the school year, the principal or designee may make any adjustments in class placement which he/she considers beneficial to the student or the educational program.

The above limitations on class assignments shall not affect the authority of the Superintendent or designee to permit the enrollment of a student in a dual enrollment, independent study, evening high school program, or other class or course authorized by law.  (Education Code 51228.1, 51228.2)

Legal Reference:


35020  Duties of employees fixed by governing board

35160  Authority of the board

51224.7  California Mathematics Placement Act of 2015

51228.1  Assignment to courses without educational content, grades 9-12

51228.2  Assignment to courses previously completed, grades 9-12

51228.3  Uniform complaint procedures; noncompliance with assignment limitations for grades 9-12

51705-51879.9  Authorized classes and courses of instruction


4600-4687  Uniform complaint procedures

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