9010 BB - Public Statements

Bylaws of the Board 
Board Bylaw No. 9010
Bylaw approved: December 19, 2024


The Governing Board recognizes the responsibility of Board members in their role as community leaders to participate in public discourse on matters of civic or community interest, including those involving the district, and their right to freely express their personal views. However, to ensure communication of a consistent, unified message regarding district issues, Board members are expected to respect the authority of the Board to choose its representatives, to communicate its positions, and to abide by established protocols. 

Board Spokesperson 

All public statements authorized to be made on behalf of the Board shall be made by the Board president or, if appropriate, by the Superintendent or, with respect to a specific issue or topic, other representative as designated by the Board or Board president. 

When speaking for the Board, a spokesperson shall exercise restraint and tact and communicate in a manner that promotes public confidence in the Board's leadership. 

Board spokespersons shall not disclose confidential information or information received in closed session except when authorized by a majority of the Board or by law. (Government Code 54963) 

Statements by Individual Board Members 

When speaking to community groups, members of the public, or the media, individual Board members should recognize that their statements may be perceived as reflecting the views and positions of the Board. Board members have a responsibility to identify when a viewpoint is held by an individual Board member rather than the Board as a whole. For example, a Board member may include a disclaimer on the Board member's personal social media account that the Board member is expressing personal viewpoints and not those of the Board or the district. 

Board members who opt to express their opinions on district matters, whether in-person or online, are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner and to model good behavior for district students and the community. 

Policy Reference Disclaimer: 
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy. 

State References, Description 
Ed. Code 35010 Control of district; prescription and enforcement of rules
Gov. Code 54960 Actions to stop or prevent violation of meeting provisions
Gov. Code 54963 Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information
Gov. Code 7920.000-7930.170 California Public Records Act 

Management Resources References ,Description 
Court Decision Lindke v. Freed (2024) 601 U.S. 187 
Website CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website CSBA 

Cross References, Description 
0450 Comprehensive Safety Plan 
0450 Comprehensive Safety Plan 
1000 Concepts And Roles 
1100 Communication With The Public 
1112 Media Relations 
1113 District And School Websites 
1113 District And School Websites 
1113-E(1) District And School Websites 
1114 District-Sponsored Social Media 
1114 District-Sponsored Social Media 
1160 Political Processes 
1340 Access To District Records 
1340 Access To District Records 
2110 Superintendent Responsibilities And Duties
4143 Negotiations/Consultation 
4143.1 Public Notice - Personnel Negotiations 
4143.1 Public Notice - Personnel Negotiations 
4243 Negotiations/Consultation 
4243.1 Public Notice - Personnel Negotiations 
4243.1 Public Notice - Personnel Negotiations 
9000 Role Of The Board 
9005 Governance Standards 
9011 Disclosure Of Confidential/Privileged Information
9012 Board Member Electronic Communications
9121 President 
9140 Board Representatives 
9200 Limits Of Board Member Authority 
9230 Orientation 

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