Supts eNews - May 20, 2022


In this edition ...

  • Video: Amazing accomplishments
  • Board meeting review: Wellness and choice schools
  • High Fives
  • InPlay: Summer camps and activities
Video: Amazing accomplishments
What a school year! Just when we thought we’d have a “normal” year …. Despite COVID (and in some cases, as a result of it), we were able to accomplish amazing things together for the benefit of our children. Thank you to our staff, teachers and families for making all of this possible.
2021-22 Successes
 Click this link or the image above to play video

Board meeting review: Wellness and choice schools

The Board of Trustees met last night. Here are some of the highlights:

Health & Wellness Plan of Action (presentation here). Staff shared updated Health and Wellness Policy language and outlined a plan of action based on the Health and Wellness Survey results (shared with the Board in February 2022) and guided by Strategic Plan 2027.

Equitable Access to Choice Schools Lottery Policy (presentation here). The Board of Trustees received information about possible policy changes relevant to the District’s choice programs, in order to increase access for all students, which would go into effect for the 2023-24 school year.

High Fives

Graham Middle School eighth grader Rani Sindledecker is the first prize winner of C-SPAN’s national 2022 StudentCam competition for her documentary on the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, "Stigma-Free Nation: Pathway to Parity." She received her certificate and check from C-SPAN's Jenae Green during an assembly. Congratulations! To watch the winning documentary, click here.

Stella Hobbie, sixth grader at Crittenden Middle School, won third place in the Teen Category of the Palo Alto Weekly Short Story Contest for her story, “Repeating”. Stella’s winning entry will be posted on the Palo Alto Online on June 10. Great work!

MVWSD was recently recognized at a Santa Clara County Board of Education meeting for the District’s 2022 California Pivotal Practice (CAPP) Award. MVWSD is one of only nine schools/ districts in Santa Clara County selected for the award. We have been recognized for innovative school and district practices that supported students during distance learning in 2020-21, such as live synchronous instruction 4 days a week, and support with mental health and meals.

eaton electricThank you to Eaton Electric for their generous donation of 50 stem engineering kits and book bags!

InPlay: Summer camps and activities

inplaySummer break is almost here and it's not too late to find camps and activities for your children. InPlay offers a free searchable program guide for parents, with filters for age, location, price (including free or reduced cost), and more. To find programs local to Mountain View, head to: Available programs include those that serve students with special needs or English learners.

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