Supts eNews Dec. 16, 2021


Important COVID news ...

  • Indoor masking
  • Holiday COVID testing at school (Dec. 29) and at home (Jan. 3)
  • COVID Vaccine Clinics on Dec. 22 and Dec. 29
  • Last day for the OKtoReopen screener is tomorrow
  • Student Vaccination Rate Dashboard
  • Thank you for your support
From Superintendent Dr. Rudolph
Dear Parents,

Every other week I host a community check-in to discuss COVID updates that impact our district. Last week was our last check-in for the calendar year. In lieu of a Zoom meeting this week, I want to make you aware of the guidance that was just issued by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). This letter is intended to provide you and your family with updated information about the state COVID guidance, as well as some of the steps that MVWSD is taking to keep you and your family safe over the holiday season. 

Indoor masking

Since Thanksgiving, California has seen a 47% increase in COVID cases. As a result, CDPH requires that everyone, including those who are vaccinated, wear a mask indoors. This order takes effect on December 15 and lasts until January 15. MVWSD will continue its indoor and outdoor masking mandate for all individuals on campuses for the foreseeable future.

Holiday COVID testing

COVID testing after travel and gatherings is highly recommended to prevent COVID transmission in the community. CDPH is recommending that all travelers who are returning, international and out of state domestic, test 3-5 days after arrival. To help reduce the spread, here are the actions that MVWSD is taking during the break and upon our students returning:

COVID rapid antigen testing on Dec. 29: MVWSD is partnering with Concentric by Ginkgo to offer COVID rapid antigen testing for students, staff, and family members on Wednesday, Dec. 29, from 8-11 a.m. at the District Office, 1400 Montecito Ave.

Consent: Walk-ins are welcome, but we do ask that all people who are not currently being tested at school complete a digital consent before arrival. To complete the consent process please follow the instructions here. Students and staff who are in the pooled testing program at school should not complete a consent before arrival.

Testing process: Visitors will park and come into the Board Room for testing and to receive results.

Results: Adults who are tested will receive results by email from Concentric. Individuals under the age of 18 will not receive an email. Children should wait with their parents in the car for 15 minutes and return to the testing site to receive results - or - assume the test is negative unless notified.

Free rapid antigen test kits available on Jan. 3: For you to COVID test at home before returning to school, a limited supply of free kits will be available (first come, first served) for pick up on Monday, Jan. 3 from 8-11 a.m. at 1400 Montecito Ave.

Student/staff COVID pooled testing on campus starts Jan. 4: Pooled testing for students on campus will resume the week of Jan 4. Since Monday, Jan. 3, is a non-student day, we anticipate that every school will test when students return to school on Tuesday, Jan. 4.

COVID Vaccine Clinics on Dec. 22 and Dec. 29

The County’s COVID-19 vaccine clinics in MVWSD will again offer shots FREE to all students ages 5 and older and their family members. Adults seeking 1st, 2nd doses, and boosters are welcome, too. Students who received their 1st doses at the clinics earlier this month should plan to return to receive their 2nd doses.

Where: Mariano Castro/Gabriela Mistral Elementary MUR
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
More information and forms:

Where: Theuerkauf Elementary MUR
Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
More information and forms:

For questions about the vaccine clinics, contact (408) 970-2000.

Last day for the OKtoReopen screener is Friday

With student vaccination rates increasing for our younger students, on-campus COVID testing, and increased awareness in our community about COVID symptoms and protocols, there is no longer a need for the OKtoReopen screener. Starting after the break, when students return on the morning of January 4, you will no longer receive an email or text message from OKtoReopen. Thank you for your consistent use of the screener in the past months.

Student Vaccination Rate Dashboard

As our younger students are becoming fully vaccinated, we will include a Student Vaccination Rate Dashboard on our website. To view, next week please go to: and click on “Student Vaccination Rate Dashboard.” After your child’s 2nd dose, please upload proof of vaccination to PowerSchool so that it can be reflected on the Dashboard. Here’s how to upload: video.

Thank you for your support
We should celebrate the finality of 2021 because we, as a community, have admirably played the cards that we have been dealt. We reopened school during a pandemic, and created a new normal. Through community action, we have found ways to support each other. I reaffirm that in 2022 MVWSD will continue to support our community to the best of our ability. As you and your children walk out of our doors for a much needed respite from school activities, please know that everyone here in MVWSD wants you to have a safe and restful winter break. Let us be the first to say Happy New Year!

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