2022-23 LCAP survey - Public Input
Public comment was collected on the LCAP draft in May. A public hearing for the LCAP was held in June at the Board of Trustees meeting.
Parent, student and staff input
Input was collected from students grades 4-8, parents and staff members will guide the update of our District plan for the 2022-23 school year.
Community Input
The District compiled input from District groups, such as District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) and District Advisory Committee (DAC) and responses for LCAP community comments and LCAP public hearing comments. The responses to questions and input are posted below.
View the 2022-23 LCAP Plan Update here
View the 2022-23 LCAP Plan Update (Spanish) here
2022-23 LCAP process
To the view a presentation on this year's LCAP process, please click here (downloads a PDF)
Click here for the LCAP presentation in Spanish
Share LCAP timeline with stakeholders including, Board of Trustees, Leadership Team, District Advisory Committee (DAC), and District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
January 31 - February 18
LCAP survey window
Schools presents timeline to site groups including certificated and classified staff and provide time for groups to take the LCAP survey
February 10
Present the Supplement to the Annual Update to the Board of Trustees for review and discussion
Review initial input and begin drafting Annual Update
Review data from surveys and draft 2022-23 LCAP
April 29
LCAP draft due
May 1-31
Post LCAP draft for public comment, DAC, and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings
Gather additional input from DAC, District English Language Advisory Committee and SELPA
Provide written responses to all input received
May 2
Present LCAP and supporting documents to Board of Trustees in Public Hearing
June 16
Present LCAP and supporting documents to Board of Trustees for approval and submit to Santa Clara County Office of Education.