DigitalPromise League of Innovative Schools

DigitalPromise League of Innovative Schools
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MVWSD is one of only 28 districts nationwide this year to join the DigitalPromise League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition connecting the most forward-thinking educational leaders and districts in the country.

League of Innovative schools adMVWSD was selected from a competitive national pool of applicants based on its educational leadership, demonstrated commitment to equity and excellence, innovative vision for learning, and key achievements.


MVWSD was chosen because:

 * All students (and their families through students), regardless of socioeconomic status have access to district-provided Internet and devices both at school and at home

* MVWSD was one of the first districts to roll out the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) - or as we call it - “MVWSD Connect” - to expand coverage of our District internet network

* MVWSD had a robust and sustained pandemic response - "Return to Learn"-  that included free meals for all, synchronous instruction and technology.


Digital Promise and the League of Innovative Schools provide an environment for districts to share and learn from best practices and implement new technologies and innovations in their school systems.

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