2016-17 LCAP

The 2016-17 LCAP

A draft of the LCAP was shared with:

  • DAC (District Advisory Committee) on May 16

  • DELAC (District English Language Advisory Committee) on May 17

  • Board of Trustees on May 19

Here is the link to the DAC/DELAC presentation Espanol

Please click here to view the 2016-17 LCAP in English.

Clic aqui por un bosquejo 2016-17 en Espanol. 

Written responses to all questions, comments and feedback were shared with DAC and DELAC.

2016-17 LCAP/Strategic Planning presentation   (En Español)

1. SPOT (Strengths, Problems, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis with stakeholders. This method will help us examine and understand the DQR results. (Jan)

2. Staff and district committee meetings at school sites presenting the Superintendent’s 100-day Plan, Strategic Plan and LCAP processes. Principals will lead this “road show” at their sites. (Jan 21- Mar 2)

3. District sends LCAP survey to all stakeholders. (Feb)

4. Stakeholder sessions to gather feedback on ideals, goals, strategies and outcomes for Strategic Plan. (Mar and Apr)

5. Writing Strategic Plan (April) to guide the future that includes vision, mission, research findings, goals and outcomes aligned to the 8 priorities (LCAP)

6. Strategic Plan presented to the Board of Trustees. LCAP and Strategic Plan input sessions with District committees (May)

7. LCAP and Strategic Plan approved by the Board of Trustees (June)

Data collected from reviews and observation

There were several ways stakeholders could provide input: SPOT analyses at school sites and/or through the LCAP survey.

Data collected from meetings:

Data collected from surveys (parent, student and teacher versions): 

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