English Learners

At MVWSD, it is our mission to provide all English Language Learners an education that develops and maintains their skills and knowledge to be successful in the future.

link to ELL video thumbnail
Let's Talk English Language Learners

Initial ELPAC Information Meeting for Parents
August 14, 2024: Zoom meeting is linked here

     Recordings from August 2023 Meeting: English // Spanish
     Presentation PDFs:  English and Spanish (updated Aug 2024)

MVWSD's English Learner Master Plan:

1. The Journey of the English Learner Starts Here (in English and Spanish)
The Journey of the English Learner *with an IEP* Starts Here (in English) and (in Spanish)

2. English Language Instruction and Support for Students (in English and Spanish)

3. The Reclassification Timeline for English Learners (in English and Spanish)
The Reclassification Timeline for English Learners *with an IEP* (in English and Spanish)

4. We Need You: English Language Advisory Committee (in English and Spanish)

5. The ELPAC Test for English Learners

Language and Academic Goals:

  • Every ELL will gain one proficiency level on the English Language Learner assessments every year
  • Every ELL will meet reclassification criteria within 6 years in US schools
  • Every ELL will meet or exceed grade level standards

Program Goals:

  1. Develop and implement effective programs for English Learners as described in the Master Plan for English Learners;
  2. Ensure that all English Learners access and master the English language in a timely manner;
  3. Ensure that all English Learners access and master the core curriculum and meet grade level standards;
  4. Decrease the risk of failure and retention;
  5. Promote bi-literacy in Dual Immersion Alternative Programs;
  6. Strengthen parent involvement and engagement in their child’s academic plans;
  7. Increase English Learner participation in advanced academic programs and enrichment opportunities;
  8. Engage English Learners in meaningful cultural, social, and academic activities
  9. Increase English Learners' understanding and strategic use of the English language for communication.

Instructional Time:

  • Designated time for language instruction for all English language learners 
  • K-5 ELD small-group instruction, rotations, designated pull-out, and integrated ELD throughout the day
  • 6-8 ELD designated or mainstream ELA block and integrated ELD across all content areas
  • Integrated instructional practices aimed at helping students develop language fluency in every classroom 

Department Contacts:

Geoff Chang, Director of Federal, State and Strategic Programs (ELL/Title I, III and Strategic Programs)
650-526-3500 ext. 1135

Leticia Corcoran, Department Secretary
650-526-3500 ext. 1121

Priscila Bogdanic, School & Community Engagement Facilitator (District Office/McKinney-Vento)
650-526-3500 ext. 1120

Eduardo Rios Pacheco, School & Community Engagement Facilitator (District Office/McKinney-Vento)

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