The health and safety of our students, staff and families is of utmost importance. We will continue to be vigilant to limit the transmission of COVID-19.

COVID Protocols 

COVID is still present in our community. Our district follows guidance from Santa Clara County Department of Public Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health

What to do if you/your student is exposed or positive for COVID

For Students
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has updated regulations for COVID response to align with common practice of other respiratory viruses. These regulations outline what to do when an individual tests positive for COVID-19 and how to protect others, including the most vulnerable in the community. 

If a student tests positive:

And has symptoms,
       isolate for a minimum of 24 hours from the day of symptom onset

        Student may return to school if:
       24 hours have passed with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, 
       AND   symptoms are mild and improving.  

If a student tests positive:

       And has no symptoms, they do not need to isolate per California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines. 

               If symptoms develop, the criteria above will apply.

If a student tests positive (whether symptomatic or not):

       Students should mask when they are around other people indoors for the 10 days after they become sick or test positive

Thank you for helping everyone in our community be safe and well.
For Staff Members
If you are a close contact to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19:

You do not need to quarantine as long as you remain asymptomatic and do not test positive.

You are not required to test unless  you become symptomatic or  are at higher risk of severe disease or who have contact with people who are at higher risk of severe disease.

If you need a test, please send an email to [email protected] to request one 

If you test positive for COVID-19 at any time, you must notify your principal/supervisor of the result and follow the steps below. 

1. Email [email protected] a picture of the positive test.

Include your name and date on the test.

2. If you are symptomatic.

       Enter your absence(s) into the Frontline system.

       You may return if 24 hours have passed with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications AND symptoms are mild and improving.

       You must wear a mask for the full 10 days when around others.

3. If you are not experiencing symptoms, you do not need to isolate. 

       You must wear a mask for the full 10 days when around others.

       If symptoms develop, notify [email protected]

Please email [email protected] with questions. 

Current COVID protocols are:

* Masking is not required for students, staff (effective Aug. 18, 2022). Masking is not required for visitors and volunteers.

* Volunteers and visitors are not required to show proof of vaccination to be on school grounds or at school activities/trips. (Effective April 17, 2023)

* After school PTA / School activities are permitted on campus.

* Field trips are permitted

* Our mitigation strategies such as hand washing/ sanitizing, cleaning protocols and high-quality air filtration will continue. Sick individuals who test positive or are symptomatic should mask and be isolated.

* No on-campus, pooled testing program for students and staff this year. The state is no longer supporting/recommending this program for all California schools. Instead, in 2022-23, students brought home rapid antigen tests for use before returning from school breaks.  

* MURs are open for meal distribution to students. Outdoor seating areas will be maximized for eating times. Physical distancing during lunch could be reinstated as a requirement by the principal in the case of high transmission rates.

* Parents and children who are not in class may be on campus inside the fences until the bell rings at the start of the day, and can return to campus inside the fences after the dismissal bell rings.



Parents are no longer required to submit COVID test results in order for students to return to school after their positive case. Detailed, county-wide data is available here.

We strongly encourage families who have either been traveling or are concerned about a potential exposure to get tested as a preventative measure. 

Click here to learn more about how and when and where to get tested.


Mitigation strategies 

* Cleaning: Daily cleaning and sanitizing protocols with an emphasis on high-traffic areas will continue.
* Our schools’ HVAC systems have MERV-13 filters, which is the highest-grade filter available for our units, or air purifiers with filtration ratings at least as high as the MERV-13.   Additionally dampers on all of our units are maximized to take in as much outside air as possible.  Portable HEPA filters are in every classroom and office area. Our District works with mechanical engineers who advise us on settings and upgrades.


Specialized instrument masks are optional.

Mask recommendations

Public health officials recommend upgraded masks that include double masking (surgical mask + cloth mask), fitted medical masks (surgical masks) and respirator masks (N95s, KN95s or KF94s). Please see “Choosing Your Mask” here.


MVWSD is strongly encouraging all eligible individuals to get vaccinated (and boosted as applicable). They are free and convenient. Please see:

Close contact notifications

Staff members who are identified as a close contact at school to a positive case will be notified, per CalOSHA. A close contact is someone who has been within 0-6 feet of the positive case for more than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period indoors during the two-day period prior to the start of symptoms (or two days before the positive COVID-19 specimen collection date). Typically, these are the children in the positive case's classroom, in addition to any individuals who have been in small groups with the positive case.
Parents of students who may be close contacts will not be notified in 2023-24.

Due to self-reported positive case data from families and the numbers of positive cases at any given time, MVWSD will employ the “group contact tracing” notification method for close contacts. It’s possible that entire grade levels or schools would receive a close contact notification at one time.

COVID Symptoms

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
(Source: CDC)

Archived communications

Masking Update, May 13, 2022 - Spanish/español
Masking Update, April 26, 2022 - Spanish/español
Masks and Protocols Updates, March 24, 2022 - Spanish/español
Mask Update, Mar. 11, 2022 - Spanish/español
Mask Update, Feb. 28, 2022 -  Spanish/español
COVID Update, Jan. 14, 2022 - Spanish/Español
COVID Update, Jan. 13, 2022 - Spanish/Español
COVID Update, Jan 10, 2022 - Spanish/Español
Changes in Pooled Testing Notification - Jan. 5 (en español)
Student At-Home COVID tests - Jan. 5 (en español)
Return to School: COVID Safety- Jan. 1 (en español)


MVWSD has a variety of educational resources and protocols to help keep students and staff members safe from the transmission of COVID-19.

How you can protect yourself from COVID

Our own MVWSD school nurses give important tips in this video series. Please review and practice with your family.

handwashing video thumbnail Handwashing video
(Handwashing video Spanish)

facemask video thumbnail Face masks and social distancing video
(Face masks video Spanish)

COVID signs video thumbnail Signs and symptoms of COVID-19
(Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 Spanish)

Archived materials: MVWSD's COVID-19 Planning and Resources Prior to March 2021

Reopening schedule info: March 5, 2021
School reopening schedule

ver abajo para el español  

March 5, 2021

Dear Parents,

Our County is in the Red Tier of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, which means that beginning March 18 we will open our schools in phases for in-person learning for students whose families have selected “Option B/Blended” in the learning options survey.

After our Board of Trustees meeting last night, we have more details to share. Here are the highlights.

Who is returning and when
Students whose families have selected “Option B/Blended”
  * Group 1 - PreK, TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 6th, SAI/SDC will start on March 18
  * Group 2 - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th will start on March 29
  * Group 3- 8th Grade will start on April 5

The District initially planned for two weeks between phases but student return has been accelerated. Our focus continues to be on getting students back on campus safely, and supporting a smooth transition with routines. With this new timeline, all students who select Option B can be back on campus earlier with 2+ months on campus before the end of the school year. Additionally, tested grades have time to adjust before taking the CAASPP Assessment.

What will return to campus look like?
Depending on parents’ preferences that were submitted in the learning options survey and schools’ scheduling constraints, each student will be assigned to one of four groups. Each group has its assigned attendance days. “Roomies” come to campus either 2 or 4 days a week; “Zoomies” are 100% distance learning. 

Please click to view this schedule in detail:
Reopening Calendar *New

What’s next

Principals are now creating school schedules using the learning options survey data, status of essential workers, and teachers’ data. As you can imagine, this is a huge task. We ask for your patience as we complete this time-intensive work. 

Every effort will be made to keep students in the same cohorts with the same teachers. However, due to staffing, this will not be possible in all cases. In order to schedule students appropriately and accurately, placements are final. It is not likely that students’ placements will be changed due to staffing limitations and County requirements for stable cohorts.

How can parents get more information?

  * Today, March 5, please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Spanish interpretation will be provided.

  * On Monday, March 8, all schools’ reopening plans will be posted on schools’ websites. These documents will have school specifics. 

  * On March 15, at 3 PM, schools will send student placement letters to parents. These letters will contain return logistics and information specific to your students’ group. 

  * Schools are holding “orientation” meetings for parents before reopening. Please watch your school newsletter for dates and links. 

To learn more ...

Please review updated resources on including:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (*New - updated March 5, 2021), specifically:
  * Childcare information
  * No student COVID testing required

Please take care

Our ability to keep our schools open is based on COVID-19 cases trending downward. Please remain vigilant about staying masked, maintaining at least 6-foot distance from others and washing hands. 
Thank you for taking care of yourself and others. 


Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.

Horario de reapertura de la escuela

5 de marzo, 2021

Estimados padres:

Nuestro condado es el Nivel Rojo del Plan para una Economía Más Segura, lo que significa que a partir del 18 de marzo abriremos nuestras escuelas en fases para el aprendizaje en persona para los estudiantes cuyas familias hayan seleccionado la “Opción B/Combinada” en la encuesta de opciones de aprendizaje.

Después de nuestra reunión del Consejo Directivo de anoche, tenemos más detalles para compartir. Estos son los aspectos más destacados.

Quién regresa y cuándo
Estudiantes cuyas familias han seleccionado "Opción B/Combinada"
  * Grupo 1 - Preescolar (PreK), TK, K, 1ro, 2do, 6to, SAI/SDC (Instrucción Académica Especializada/Educación Especial) comenzará el 18 de marzo
  * Grupo 2 - 3ro, 4to, 5to, 7mo comenzará el 29 de marzo
  * Grupo 3 - 8vo grado comenzará el 5 de abril

El distrito inicialmente planeó dos semanas entre fases, pero el regreso de los estudiantes se ha acelerado. Nuestro enfoque continúa siendo lograr que los estudiantes regresen al campus de manera segura y apoyar una transición sin problemas y con rutinas. Con esta nueva línea de tiempo, todos los estudiantes que seleccionen la Opción B pueden regresar al campus antes con más de 2 meses en el campus antes de finalizar el año escolar. Además, hay tiempo para ajustar las calificaciones de las evaluaciones antes de tomar la evaluación CAASPP.

¿Cómo será el regreso al campus?
Dependiendo de las preferencias de los padres enviadas en la encuesta de opciones de aprendizaje y las limitaciones de programación de las escuelas, cada estudiante será asignado a uno de los cuatro grupos. Cada grupo tiene sus días de asistencia asignados. Los “Roomies” vienen al campus 2 o 4 días a la semana; Los “Zoomies” son 100% de aprendizaje a distancia. 

Haga clic para ver este horario en detalle:
Calendario de reapertura (español) * Nuevo

Qué sigue

Los directores ahora están creando horarios escolares utilizando los datos de la encuesta de opciones de aprendizaje, el estatus de los trabajadores esenciales y los datos de los maestros. Como se pueden imaginar, esta es una tarea enorme. Le pedimos paciencia mientras completamos este trabajo que requiere mucho tiempo.

Se hará todo lo posible para mantener a los estudiantes en las mismas cohortes con los mismos maestros. Sin embargo, debido a la cantidad de personal, esto no será posible en todos los casos. Para programar a los estudiantes de manera adecuada y precisa, las colocaciones son definitivas. No es probable que las ubicaciones de los estudiantes cambien debido a las limitaciones de personal y los requisitos del Condado para las cohortes estables.

¿Cómo pueden obtener más información los padres?

  * Hoy, 5 de marzo, únase a nosotros para nuestro registro comunitario con el Dr. Ayindé Rudolph a las 3:30 p.m. Traiga sus preguntas. Se proporcionará interpretación al español.

  * El lunes 8 de marzo, todos los planes de reapertura de las escuelas se publicarán en los sitios web de las escuelas. Estos documentos tendrán detalles específicos de la escuela.

  * El 15 de marzo a las 3 de la tarde, las escuelas enviarán cartas de ubicación de estudiantes a los padres. Estas cartas contendrán información y logística de regreso específicas para el grupo de su estudiante.

  * Las escuelas están llevando a cabo reuniones de "orientación" para los padres antes de reabrir. Por favor, mire el boletín de su escuela para conocer las fechas y los enlaces.

Para aprender más ...

Revise los recursos actualizados en, que incluyen:
  * Respuestas a las preguntas frecuentes (* Nuevo - actualizado el 5 de marzo de 2021), específicamente:
         * Información de cuidado de niños
         * No se requieren pruebas de COVID para estudiantes

Por favor cuídese

Nuestra capacidad para mantener nuestras escuelas abiertas se basa en la tendencia a la baja de los casos de COVID-19. Esté atento a usar máscara, mantener al menos 6 pies de distancia de los demás y lavarse las manos. Gracias por cuidarse a sí mismo y a los demás.

Respetuosamente, Ed.D.

Ayindé Rudolph

Comparison Charts and Videos- Connected & Blended Options
Moving to Red Tier: Dr Rudolph: March 3, 2021

Para español, mira abajo

March 3, 2021

Dear Parents,

The County of Santa Clara Health Officer announced yesterday that our county has met the requirements to move into the Red Tier of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, effective Wednesday, March 3. 

As a result, in two weeks’ time, we will open our schools in phases for in-person learning for students whose families have selected “Option B/Blended” in the learning options survey. 

The first group of students will come to campus on Thursday, March 18. Schools will let parents know of their students’ placements at 3 p.m. on March 15. 

We are in the process of scheduling students and refining our plans. We will update you on phases, grade levels and start dates for each phase when those are finalized. 

Resources on include:

Option B/In-Person Learning Expectations for Students (Elementary - English)

Option B/In-Person Learning Expectations for Students (Middle School - English)

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (updated Feb 26, 2021) 

Although more activities are allowed under the Red Tier, SCC Public Health urges everyone to:

  • Stay outdoors

  • Stay masked

  • Maintain at least 6-foot distance from others

  • Avoid crowds

  • Get vaccinated when it is your turn

  • Consider quarantining for 10 days after travelling more than 150 miles (strongly recommended, but not required.)

Thank you for your support of our schools. School reopening has been a long time in coming; almost exactly to the one-year anniversary. We look forward to having our students and staff members back on campus.


Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.


Marzo 3, 2021

Estimados Padres:

El Oficial de Salud del Condado de Santa Clara anunció ayer que nuestro condado ha cumplido con los requisitos para pasar al Nivel Rojo del Plan para una Economía Más Segura, a partir del miércoles 3 de marzo.

Como resultado, dentro de dos semanas, abriremos nuestras escuelas en fases para el aprendizaje en persona para los estudiantes cuyas familias hayan seleccionado "Opción B/Combinado" en la encuesta de opciones de aprendizaje.

El primer grupo de estudiantes vendrá al campus el jueves 18 de marzo. Las escuelas les informarán a los padres de la colocación de sus estudiantes a las 3 p.m. el 15 de marzo.

Estamos en el proceso de programar a los estudiantes y refinar nuestros planes. Cuando se finalicen los actualizaremos sobre las fases, los grados y las fechas de inicio de cada fase.

Los recursos en (Académicos Durante COVID) incluyen:

Opción B / Expectativas para estudiantes de aprendizaje en persona  (primaria - español)

Opción B / Expectativas para estudiantes de aprendizaje en persona (escuela intermedia - español)

Respuestas a Preguntas frecuentes (actualizado el 26 de febrero, 2021)

Aunque se permiten más actividades bajo el Nivel Rojo, la Salud Pública de SCC les insiste a todos a:

  • Permanecer al aire libre

  • Mantenerse con máscara

  • Mantener, al menos, 6 pies de distancia de los demás

  • Evitar las multitudes

  • Vacunarse cuando sea su turno

  • Considerar ponerse en cuarentena durante 10 días después de viajar más de 150 millas (fuertemente recomendado, pero no obligatorio).

Gracias por su apoyo a nuestras escuelas. La reapertura de la escuela ha tardado en llegar; más exacto, llegando casi  al primer aniversario. A la espera de tener a nuestros estudiantes y miembros del personal de regreso en el campus.


Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.


Dr. Rudolph's Feb. 4, 2021 letter about Learning Options

Dear Parents, 

I want to update you about where we are with reopening our schools for in-person learning. 

As you can imagine, there are many factors that weigh on this decision; most importantly, the health of students, staff and families. We watch the COVID-19 data in our county closely. I am still a little concerned with the number of cases. I also am anxious for our staff members to receive COVID vaccinations as soon as possible.

However, I am very confident in the amount and quality of work done on our schools’ reopening plans and safety protocols. Recent research has confirmed that in-school COVID transmission rates are low.  I also think we are at the point of the school year in which we need to set a target date for reopening, while realizing that it could change if COVID cases spike.

For these reasons, I will be recommending that we reopen schools for in-person learning 14 days after Santa Clara County passes into the Red Tier. This gives us time to reschedule students, complete the items on our checklist, and to give our staff members two weeks’ notice. Of course, we don’t have the specific date Santa Clara County will pass into the Red Tier, but we are preparing as if it’s soon. Our county’s Adjusted Case Rate is currently at 21.5. The county will move into the Red Tier when that number reaches 7.

Here’s what’s coming and how you can help. 

  • In the next two weeks, you will get another survey by email to collect updated information on your preferences for your students’ learning options for the rest of the school year. You will still have the option to keep your children at home, or you may tell us you’d like them to return to campus. Please answer the survey with as much certainty as possible. 

  • This plan hinges on COVID cases continuing to drop. Please remain vigilant about wearing masks, avoiding gatherings and curtailing travel. 

  • If you are inclined, please encourage our state leaders to speed efforts for vaccination of teachers and staff members. Vaccinations will go a long way in ensuring staff members’ safety and increasing our ability to keep schools open. 

Thank you for all you have done this year, and continue to do, to support our students and schools.


Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.




Reopening Update Letter from Dr. Rudolph- Sept 18
Dr. Rudolph's Reopening Update letter - Oct. 2, 2020
Schools Reopening Update

Dear Parents,

As you know, I have pledged my commitment to all of our staff, students and families that our district won't reopen for in-person learning until we can do it safely. Our commitment to our families and students is that all students will have the instruction and services that they need, delivered in a safe manner during pandemic times.

Over the past seven months, we all have been constantly thinking about how to safely reopen. My administrative team and I, our Board of Trustees, teachers and staff members have spent a lot of time reviewing data, making plans, and thinking through many different scenarios. 

Yesterday, I presented several distance-learning metrics that we are monitoring. Data shows that we still have challenges to address. We know that we need to work on reliable internet access for all students, middle school student engagement in some groups, and instructional support for special education and at-risk students. Our booming free meal pickup data tells us that the pandemic has been very, very difficult for a lot of families to make ends meet. We know that many families are struggling, both emotionally and financially. Distance learning has not been easy.

In addition to reviewing data, I have talked with many people. I have heard our teachers say they are worried about not being physically present in classrooms with their students. They are worried about their own health, and potentially exposing those they care for to COVID-19. I talk to my brother-in-law, both sisters and niece who are all teachers in Ohio. Everyone has talked about being anxious about not knowing whether school will open sooner or later and how different it might be. The greatest unspoken fear for us all is what if someone gets gravely ill with COVID-19 on our watch? 

The more we talk about reopening coming soon without a specific target date, the more stress we add to everyone’s lives. We have been so preoccupied with when we are reopening and who is coming back that is impeding our ability to focus on the remaining challenges.

For these reasons, it was my recommendation to the Board of Trustees at last night's meeting that we revisit in January a specific date for reopening for in-person learning at the end of the 2nd trimester.  (Meeting video here. Reopening starts at timestamp 4:52)

The bottom line is that I do not believe our community is in the best position now to reopen our schools. We will use this time to continue to refine distance learning, work to support students, and plan for our in-person reopening. It is my hope that the information about the timing will allow families to plan for the coming weeks with some kind of certainty, possibly reducing anxiety.

Thank you for talking with us over the last few months, and for continuing the conversation in the coming weeks at community check-ins and at the next Board meeting on Oct. 22. I am grateful for your support of our children and our schools.


Dr. Ayinde Rudolph

Oct. 1, 2020 - Return to Learn Progress Update
Sept 17, 2020 - "Getting to Reopen " presentation
July 23, 2020 - Reopening in Stages 3 and 4 presentation
July 2, 2020 - Reopening Plan Presentation
Click here for the reopening plan presented to the Board of Trustees on July 2, 2020
June 19, 2020 - Supt.'s Community Check In - Reopening Plan Preview
June 9, 2020 - State Guidelines

Planning for school reopening


From Dr Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent

Dear Parents,

Yesterday the California Department of Education (CDE) released its COVID-19 planning guidelines for reopening school districts in the fall.

As you know, we began our reopening planning process in April. We have been tracking and ordering supplies, refining distance learning instruction, and revisiting policies and procedures. I have talked with many of you at check-in and committee meetings. We recently completed a week’s worth of focus groups with parents, staff and students. This was a time for us to hear specifics about our own community’s expectations and concerns around reopening school amidst COVID-19. We will incorporate this feedback, as well as state and county guidelines in the MVWSD reopening plan.

While there is much more work to be done, I feel good about where we are in our preparation process. Our reopening plan will continue to be updated as state and county guidance adapts to the changing landscape of COVID-19.

We anticipate the first phase of our reopening plan will be complete on July 2 when we present it to our Board of Trustees. Here are recommendations from leading health and educational agencies, including the CDE and the CDC, that will very likely be part of our plan.

  • Due to social distancing, fewer students will be on campus at any one time. It is likely our students will do blended learning, meaning they will report to campus for certain designated days, and then learn remotely on the other school days.
  • Students and staff members will be screened daily for fever/symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Students and staff members will wear masks, with some exceptions.
  • Students and staff members will be washing or sanitizing hands as they enter campus and regularly throughout the day.
  • There will be very limited access to campus for parents and volunteers.
  • Classrooms and shared spaces will be disinfected regularly.
  • Class sizes will be smaller with a minimum of 6-foot social distancing between individual student seats.
  • Recess and lunch times will be staggered to limit interactions between students.

We will continue to keep you updated as the planning unfolds. Thank you for your support as we plan for a safe and productive return to school on Aug. 17 for our students and staff members.


May 18, 2020 - School reopening planning
Video presentation: Reopening for the 2020-21 school year

In this video, Dr. Rudolph presents the planning process for how MVWSD is preparing to reopen. There are many unknowns about the future, but we are working to be flexible and adaptable for the benefit of our students, whatever the status of COVID-19 may be.

These plans will cover 14 dimensions: Governance, Health and Wellness, Equity, Curriculum, Human Capital, Nutrition, Facilities, Operations, Instruction, Resurgence, Enrollment, Communication, Technology, Finance. We'll define operations under each stage of reopening: Schools closed, Targeted opening, Open with Restrictions, Full opening using guidance from Santa Clara County Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education. We will continue to update you as planning progresses.

To view the presentation, click here

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