The Mountain View Whisman School District has a wide variety of task forces and advisory committees that meet on a regular basis. Many of these task forces and advisory committees include both staff members and parents. Please check the District's Public Calendar for meeting dates and locations.
Read below for details and requirements for each of the groups.
School Committees
Each school has a School Site Council and an English Language Advisory Committee. The formation and processes of these groups are codified in California educational code. For more information, please see the Parent-School Committees section of the website.
District Committees
SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee
We are seeking applicants to join the MVWSD 2024-2025 SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee, where our focus will be Social Emotional Learning curriculum adoption. If you are interested in being a part of this moment in our SEL journey, please complete this application by September 20, 2024. Even if you might be unsure about participation, we encourage you to apply. By applying to the committee you will learn more about the commitment that will be asked of participants.
The SEL Curriculum Adoption Committee is seeking participants from all members of our District community, however it must be primarily composed of MVWSD teachers. We will meet up to 11 times this school year between October and April, including 3 Saturdays. The objective of this committee is to examine stakeholder input, SEL curriculum options, engage in a curriculum pilot, and make recommendation(s) to the Board of Trustees for adoption. Applying neither commits you, nor guarantees a seat on the committee. Applications closed on Sept. 27.
Staff Housing Oversight Committee
The Staff Housing Oversight Committee was formed in September 2024 to support the MVWSD staff housing community - called Mountain View Whisman at the Sevens - at 699 N Shoreline Blvd. The committee's role is to advise on operations and management of the community, including but not limited to:
* Approval/recommendations of rental rates and deposits
* Review budget and financials
* Review contracts and vendor performance, and
* Work to resolve tenant disputes
Committee will consist of up to seven (7) representative members appointed by the District’s Board of Trustees.
MVWSD Board member(s)
MVWSD executive staff member
MVEA representative
CSEA representative
City representative
1 Reserved for Future Appointment (
Click here for the committee webpage.
Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
Are you passionate about education and financial transparency? Do you want to help the district allocate its resources to ensure the biggest benefit for students? The Mountain View Whisman School District announces the formation of its new Budget Advisory Committee, and we need YOU!
About the BAC: The Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) is an essential advisory group that collaborates with the District to review, analyze, and make recommendations about the budget to the Superintendent. The goal is to ensure that the district’s financial decisions align with the strategic plan and meet the needs of our diverse students, staff, and community.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Review and Analyze: Examine the district’s budget, revenue sources, and expenditures to understand financial trends and projections.
Provide Input: Offer feedback and recommendations on budget priorities, cost-saving measures that minimize the impact on student learning and staff welfare, and revenue enhancement opportunities.
Engage: Serve as a liaison between the district and the broader community, sharing information and gathering input from stakeholders.
Collaborate: Work with other committee members to develop practices that support the district’s educational goals.
Member Makeup: We are seeking a diverse group of members to ensure comprehensive representation across our district, including parents and community members
Meetings: The BAC will meet quarterly, with additional meetings as needed during the budget season.
Outside of meetings: Members may be asked to review data and documents, or participate in community engagement outside of regular BAC meetings
Participation: We ask that members commit to attending at least 75% of meetings and actively participate in discussions and subcommittees.
Applications closed on Sept. 23, 2024.
Click here for the committee webpage.
The District Advisory Committee (DAC) ...
meets quarterly and consists of representatives from each School Site Council. The committee members learn about and provide input on key aspects of the district including assessments, current instructional initiatives, the district budget, and the Local Control and Accountability Plan. As part of the budget, they review categorical program funding and the associated Consolidated Application. Click here for meeting agendas and notes.
The District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) ...
is a group of elected parents whose children are English Learners. The DELAC's purpose is to advise the district governing board on programs and services available for their students in order to achieve academic success. All interested parents, School Site Council, ELAC officers, community members, and school personnel are invited to attend DELAC meetings. The meetings are held 6 times a year. Click here for meeting agendas.
District Equity Advisory Committee (DEAC) ...
MVWSD is committing itself to engaging meaningfully with the community on issues of equity through the District Equity Advisory Committee (DEAC). The goal of the District Equity Advisory Committee (DEAC) is to provide meaningful feedback to the Superintendent on how to support MVWSD towards achieving its goals of becoming a more equitable and inclusive school district.
Measure T Bond Oversight Committee ...
is an independent citizens’ oversight committee that reviews the expenditure of funds generated by the Measure T general obligation bonds. Click here for Measure T oversight information
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
The PTOC is an independent citizen oversight committee that monitors the funds generated from Measure C parcel tax.
Task Forces
These groups are typically project-specific, time-limited and report to the Superintendent.
Health and Wellness Committee
Task: To align District efforts to support student wellness through health education, physical education and activity, health services, nutrition services, psychological and counseling services, and a safe and healthy school environment.
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Council
The District is seeking members for a Environmental Sustainability Advisory Council to work on current and future environmental and sustainable practices at our schools and campuses. The goal of the group is to give meaningful feedback to the superintendent and support MVWSD towards achieving its goals of becoming more green in its facilities and practices. We are seeking a combination of district-level leaders, principals, teachers, staff members, and parents who represent the interests of both elementary and middle schools. Committee members will be expected to attend and participate in meetings held every other month (on average) online during the school year in the evening hours.
Active, not seeking members
School Safety Committee
Task: Community agencies and individuals partnering to advise District on safety practices.
Workplace Safety
Task: To ensure on-the-job safety for employees, and reduce workplace injuries.
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee for Measure B
Task: To monitor, provide oversight and ensure accountability to the funds received by the District, including an annual report to the Board regarding the actual uses of such funds.
Those interested in serving the Mountain View Whisman School District on a committee should complete an application here.
Inactive, past task force groups
Dual Immersion Middle School Exploration Committee
Task: To explore the feasibility of expanding dual immersion instruction into the middle schools.
Perimeter fencing
MVWSD has explored perimeter fencing at our schools in order to increase safety and security for students and staff during the school day. We will continue to share our fields with the community after school hours. To see the updated plans, please visit school webpages here: For information on the Monta Loma working group for perimeter fencing, please see
As the District Quality Review showed, there is room for improvement in services we provide to special education and English language learners. The district wants to collaborate to research best practices and build quality programs for at-risk students.
The majority of the Board of Trustees voted in favor of reopening a school in the Slater neighborhood. This, along with other growth factors, had an impact on enrollment and facilities across the District and necessitate a review as well as realignment of the attendance boundaries for both the elementary and middle schools. Members reviewed demographics, and examine the impact of enrollment parameters, growth, programs on developing school attendance areas.
Middle School Schedule Task Force
(Internal, parent input): Develop a more inclusive middle school schedule for all students, and ensure appropriate time for instructional programs.
Professional Development Advisory Committee
(Internal, staff members): To provide recommendations on Professional Development needs of staff to meet the goals of SP2021
Innovative and Best Practices Committee
(Internal, staff members): To look for opportunities for growth within the organization to improve efficiency, effectiveness and student outcomes.
provided recommendations on how to streamline the enrollment priorities administrative regulation, explored best practices in enrollment that could help mitigate the impact of future growth and provided a recommendation on grandfathering policy to help enact the new boundaries.
Wellness Advisory Committee ...
provides recommendations on how to meet requirements mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. BP 5141.52 – Suicide Prevention, and Human Growth and Development requirements.
North Bayshore Committee
Task: To envision what urban school design looks like in MVWSD.
Science Advisory Committee
Task: To improve science offerings in MVWSD.
Mistral Advisory Committee
Task: To review the performance of Gabriela Mistral Elementary and develop a list of recommended actions to improve educational outcomes for all students. There will be opportunities for parents to hear updates on progress, to discuss the vision of the program and to provide feedback on staff’s recommendation.
Social Studies Textbook Adoption Committee
Task: To review, pilot and recommend new social studies materials for adoption and implementation. California requires that the majority of members must be teachers.
Data Warehouse Committee
Task: To develop a list of District requirements for a data warehouse solution (system used for reporting on a variety of data sources), review three different possible vendors, and then decide on a data warehouse solution for the 2019-20 school year.