As part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) beginning on July 1, 2014.
2024-25 LCAP survey - Public Input
Input was collected via survey from students grades 4-8, parents and staff members to guide the update of our District plan for the 2024-25 school year.
Community Input
Members of our schools and community are welcome to view the documents below and use the input links (through May 24) to share thoughts, questions and comments on the draft LCAP.
Click here for an LCAP overview presentation
Click here for the 24-25 LCAP (English)
Click here for the 24-25 LCAP (Spanish)
The District will compile input from District groups, such as District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) and District Advisory Committee (DAC) and responses for LCAP community comments and LCAP public hearing comments. The responses to questions and input are posted below.
LCAP Development Timeline
View the 2024-25 LCAP plan here
(posted here when complete)
LCAP English
LCAP Spanish
In past years: Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
This LCAP describes how the district will spend the funds and its goals for improving student outcomes according to eight priorities set by the state:
- Student achievement
- Student engagement
- School climate
- Basic services
- Implementation of Common Core Standards
- Access to courses
- Parental involvement
- Other student outcomes
To view past years' LCAPs, click on the year in the menu.
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a new formula for how California schools are to be funded. This law, the most significant change to school district funding in the past 40 years, makes fundamental changes in how State revenues are allocated to schools. At its core is the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). This law requires parents, students, teachers, and community be involved in the process of deciding how new funds are spent.
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF):
Allows for local control and decision making
Provides additional resources for students with the greatest needs (for example, English Language Learners, Foster Youth and socio-economically disadvantaged students)
Aligns District goals and actions with the budget and expenditures
Local Control Accountability Plan Components and Development
The LCAP will include annual goals for all students as well as numerically significant student subgroups such as English Language Learners, Economically Disadvantaged Students, Students with Disabilities, and students reclassified to Fluent English Proficient. The LCAP will outline specific actions by the District and schools and describe expenditures.
The LCAP will be developed with input from teachers, administrators, other personnel, students, parents and local bargaining units.
A completed draft of the LCAP will be:
- Presented to the District Advisory Committee (DAC) and the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
- Posted with the opportunity for the community to submit written comments
- Presented to the Board of Trustees at a public hearing and adopted prior to the District’s budget no later than July 1, 2015
- Submitted to the Santa Clara County Office of Education
For more information, please visit these websites: