Attendance awareness

Attendance awareness
bus attendanceWhen we reduce chronic absence we improve graduation rates, increase academic achievement and give young people the best chance at success in their adult life. Read here the FAQs about MVWSD student attendance

Most parents are aware of what it means for a child to be truant from school. However, there is a new push through the state of California to reduce the numbers of students who are “chronically absent.” Students who are chronic absent typically attend school fairly regularly, but miss a few days here and there, which really add up and affect their learning. It's important to know both excused or unexcused absences count toward chronic absenteeism.

Chronically absent students have been absent (either excused or unexcused) for 10% of the time that school has been in session. For example, if your student has been absent 2 days before Sept. 15, he is chronically absent. If your student has been absent 5 days before Oct. 20, she is chronically absent. An average of 2 days absent a month means a student is chronically absent.

The District is now required to track this data and report it to the state. MVWSD will contact parents when students reach concerning absence levels. If not remedied, chronically absent students and their families may be referred to the District’s Student Attendance Review Board, in a process similar to how truancy is handled.

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