Supts eNews - Mar. 11, 2022


In this edition ...

  • COVID update: Masking, other protocols changing on March 15
  • Board meeting review: Summer programming and Learning Recovery Plan
  • CAASPP testing to happen after spring break
  • The Talk: “The Culture of Success” on Mar. 16
  • Castro Elementary Wellness Center opens
  • Video: Connecting with the MVWSD Board of Trustees
  • High Fives: Communications awards and Kindness Week
COVID update: Masking, other protocols changing on March 15
Due to falling case rates and updated public health guidance from the county and state, MVWSD will be loosening some COVID restrictions. 

Highlights of changes, beginning March 15:

  • Outdoor masking is recommended but will no longer be required. Masks will remain required indoors. Indoor masking protocols will be reviewed at the March 24 Board of Trustees meeting.

  • Field trips will be allowed. Masking is required while traveling to and from events for students. Volunteers (see requirements here) are allowed to chaperone.

  • Spectators will be allowed at events, both indoor and outdoor (performing arts and athletics). Masking is highly recommended for outdoor events. Masks are required indoors for spectators.

For more details and information on other changes to COVID protocols, please see this webpage. For the infographic, please click here.

It’s important to note that MVWSD reserves the right to be more restrictive in its COVID requirements than state/county guidance, in order to protect the safety of all students and staff members. MVWSD can reinstate universal masking if cases rise.

Over the coming weeks, our schools will facilitate discussions with students about empathy toward people’s outdoors masking choices. 

Board meeting review: Summer programming and Learning Recovery Plan

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday night. Here are the highlights.

Summer programming: Staff presented an update on the summer academic programs available to students who qualify. Students who are eligible for MVWSD summer programs are those performing under grade level who are also socioeconomically disadvantaged and/or English Learners. MVWSD will contact the parents of the students who are eligible after spring break.  MVWSD summer programs are funded by the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant.

Learning Recovery Plan: Staff presented an update on the Learning Recovery Program. Approximately 3,000 students enrolled in academic support this year beyond the regular school day using an array of tutoring models. Our schools partnered with 7 agencies/programs to serve our students’ needs, funded by the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant. Many students made academic gains, and these gains are a result of in-person classroom instruction and interventions as well as tutoring.

CAASPP testing to happen end of April - May

After a year off for COVID, our students will again participate in the statewide testing program, the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), after spring break. These important, state-required tests provide information to teachers, parents/guardians, and students about students’ progress. 

Children in grades 3-8 will take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments or California Alternate Assessments for ELA (English language arts/literacy) and mathematics. Students in grades 5 and 8 will take the California Science Test (CAST) or the CAA for Science. More information will be coming from your school about specific dates and how we are preparing students. Our participation in these tests is very important in order to support our students and our schools.


The Talk: “The Culture of Success” on Mar. 16

The Talk graphic“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” is a common phrase used in American political discourse, particularly around self-reliance and emotional resilience. Today’s culture of success was built upon our ideas, beliefs, and values. However, the pandemic and resulting shifts in our daily lives have called us to reflect on our foundational beliefs about the success and emotional resilience of our children. Let's talk about it.

You are cordially invited to MVWSD’s next Roundtable event: “The Talk: The Culture of Success – Our Beliefs About Success and Emotional Resilience” on Wednesday, March 16 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Register at:

Castro Wellness Center opens

Castro wellness CenterThe new Dolphin Wellness Center is open at Castro Elementary! The Center, which is grant-funded and in partnership with the Santa Clara County Office of Education, provides a calming, safe space for students to regulate emotions, and provides individual and group counseling and other resources. The Center staff members are just a few of the many caring adults at Castro who support children and staff members. Learn more about the Center staff members and services by watching this video.


Video: Connecting with the MVWSD Board of Trustees

Have you wondered about our Board of Trustees; who they are, what they do and how you can share your ideas with them? You can learn more in this video.


High Fives

CalSPRA Award: MVWSD has received CalSPRA (California School Public Relations Association) Excellence in Communications Awards for its Return to Learn campaign (COVID School Reopening) and “Better Together” Program. The statewide program recognizes the successful efforts of education agencies and communication professionals in producing materials and services that meet the information needs of communities.

mistral pictureKindness Week: Led by their student council, Mistral Elementary students organized and fundraised $892 for Team Seas. The fundraiser was part of Mistral’s Kindness Challenge, and students selected the ocean conservation organization to demonstrate kindness to the environment and marine life. For every dollar raised, Team Seas will ensure that one pound of trash is removed from beaches, rivers or the ocean. For their Kindness Week project, students and parents at Imai Elementary have been collecting individually wrapped snacks to donate to students and families in need. Great work, students!

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