Current Projects
The Monta Loma Fencing Project will begin construction in January and continue through April. This project will build fencing to designate outdoor space for students during the school day while preserving open space for public use.The design process incorporated community input, and we appreciate all who participated. The new fencing will maximize the use of the greenspace for the community while providing added security for students. For more information and diagrams, visit
School Year 2023-24
Window installation
Windows were replaced at Monta Loma. Window installation work, needed to replace older windows and increase energy efficiency, was done in summer 2024.
Outdoor Greening and Learning Spaces
It’s important that our schoolyards are flexible and dynamic spaces that support equitable, diverse learning and recreational activities, which enhance the physical and mental well-being of students and promote a connection to our natural world. In the 2023-24 school year, MVWSD embarked on creating outdoor greening and learning spaces at each school that will provide shade, plants and outdoor areas for learning and play. Click here to learn more about the process, timeline and community input process.
A lock management system was installed on outside doors of classrooms and offices. Starting Spring 2023, pending material availability, staff members will be to use key cards, instead of keys. This will increase both security and the efficiency of maintaining a secure campus.
School year 2022-23
Solar panels were installed in arrays on rooftops and on a structure over the front parking lot on Thompson Avenue. Several non-mature trees will be removed to make way for solar construction. Two trees will be planted for every one removed. Solar panels to save the district $600,000 annually in electrical costs.
New lights and/or bollard style light posts were installed to illuminate pedestrians’ path of travel between campus and parking lots. The light locations were determined by photometric survey data. This additional lighting is an important safety measure for staff members and guests using the campus in the evenings and winter late afternoons.
Security Cameras
Security cameras in public areas were installed at all school sites as a way to increase safety for students and staff members by deterring misconduct and preventing vandalism. Members of the schools’ communities were engaged in a series of feedback meetings in Winter 2022.
2022 Construction Projects

Click here for a postcard describing Monta Loma's projects (English)
Click here for a postcard describing Monta Loma's projects (Spanish)
Completed in Summer 2022
Aging HVAC units will be replaced. The existing HVAC system has already been updated to include MERV-13 filters, which is the highest-grade filter available for our units.
2020-21 Construction Projects
(Funded by Measure T)

Click here for a postcard describing Monta Loma's projects (April 2021)
Click here for a postcard describing Monta Loma's projects (Spanish/español) (April 2021)
Measure T, the $259 million bond issue passed in 2020, included plans for a variety of projects that will increase safety, efficiency and provide for short-term growth at our schools.
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Perimeter Security
Perimeter security on our school campuses is important to ensure the safety of students and staff during school hours. Measure T projects initially included campus fencing here, however MVWSD is now working with the community and the City of Mountain View to explore a redesign of the field area so we are able better meet the needs of all stakeholders.
Perimeter Fencing Work Group
A Work Group was formed to make sure MVWSD has heard all of the considerations regarding shared use of Monta Loma's fields. This working group, composed of a total of 9 members; representatives of the community, school staff, parents, and City of Mountain View, met in the spring of 2021. The Work Group illuminated that there are multiple items that need to be addressed for the field to serve both the school and community. For historical information about the Work Group process, please see
Initial Fencing Maps and Information
Original fencing map proposals
Monta Loma Community Meeting Fencing Presentation
Click here for perimeter fencing concerns and answers
Click here for the notification postcard sent to neighbors in December (English)
Click here for the notification postcard (Spanish/Español)
Our schools’ HVAC systems have been updated to include MERV-13 filters, which is the highest-grade filter available for our units, or air purifiers with filtration ratings at least as high as the MERV-13. Additionally dampers on all of our units are open to full capacity and will pull in outside air.
Solar will be installed during summer 2022 since a portion of the arrays are going on the roof and will need DSA approval. Arrays will be on the roofs of classroom buildings. One will be constructed on supports near the front office sidewalk and drop off car lanes. These locations were updated in order to not constrain the Outdoor Improvements Project. Not only will these structures support solar panels to save the district $600,000 annually in electrical costs, they will provide much-needed shade. Some non-heritage trees will have to be removed to make way for the arrays, but MVWSD will replant two native trees for every one removed.
New lights and/or bollard style light posts to illuminate pedestrians’ path of travel between campus and parking lots will be added. Need determined by photometric survey data, and plans were refined based on community input. This additional lighting is an important safety measure for staff members and guests using the campus in the evenings and winter late afternoons. Project start: Fall 2021.
Security cameras
One of the projects identified in the Mountain View Whisman School District's Master Facility Plan and the Measure T Bond was the need for security cameras in public areas at all school sites as a way to increase safety for students and staff members by deterring misconduct and preventing vandalism. Members of the schools’ communities will engage in a series of feedback meetings through Jan. 2022 before the plan for security cameras is finalized.
Window Replacement
The District will replace existing, older single pane windows at Monta Loma in 2023.
2017-18 Classroom Renovations, Kitchen, Roofing
(Funded by Measure G)
Summer 2019
The school got a new sign in the front. This sign, paid for with Measure G funds, will include accurate school and district names. Funding for construction and capital improvements, like school signs, come from restricted funds that can be used only for that purpose. The District used an innovative approach to piggyback on existing, competitive local government contracts to lower the sign cost and expedite installation.
• Expansion of Multi-Use Room
• Classrooms modernization
• Kitchen renovations
• Roofing and renovation of the staff and office areas was completed
Timing: June 2017- August 2018
The expansion of the MUR, including improvements to food service and increased storage capacity, allows for 225 students to eat or 450 students to attend assemblies at one time.
In summer 2018, crews demolished two pods, remodeled student restrooms, added two portable buildings, and installed a new fire loop.
Classrooms were modernized with technology upgrades, new teaching walls, and fire alarm replacements. All classrooms received new paint, floor tiles, and/or carpeting. Sliding glass doors were replaced with a wall of windows. Some restrooms were upgraded to improve accessibility. The parking lots and student drop off zone also were improved, including an expanded bus loop.
The District has worked very hard over the years to do the work, funded by Measure G, to make facilities improvements and renovations at every school a reality. The results will be amazing. There will be new and updated classrooms, libraries and MURs. However, construction requires extra accommodations. With construction comes frustrations and inconveniences. We appreciate your support and understanding as we take one step closer to improving each of our schools for our students, staff and community.
Click here for the summer construction postcard update, May 12, 2017 (en español)
What each phase will look like (click to enlarge)