4143.1 BP - Public Notice Personnel Negotiations

Certificated/Classified Personnel    
Board Policy No. 4143.1/4243.1
Policy Adopted:  September 18, 2003 
Revised: May 30, 2024


Because the Governing Board has a responsibility to represent the public's interest in negotiations with employee organizations, the Board is committed to keeping the public informed about issues being negotiated, providing members of the public an opportunity to express their views, and disclosing the position of each Board member in accordance with law.

Public Notice/Sunshining of Initial Proposals
All initial contract proposals of the Board and an employee organization which relate to matters within the scope of representation shall be presented at a public Board meeting and shall thereafter be public records. (Government Code 3547)

Meeting and negotiating between district and employee organization representatives shall not take place on these initial proposals until a reasonable time has elapsed after the submission of these proposals to enable the public to become informed and to express itself regarding the proposals at a public Board meeting. (Government Code 3547)

After the public has had an opportunity to provide input, the Board shall adopt its initial proposal at a public meeting. (Government Code 3547)

New subjects of meeting and negotiating arising after the presentation of initial proposals shall be made public within 24 hours. If a vote is taken on any such subject by the Board, each Board member's vote also shall be made public within 24 hours. (Government Code 3547)

Public Disclosure of Proposed Agreement
Before entering into a written agreement covering matters within the scope of representation, the Board shall disclose, at a public meeting, the major provisions of the agreement, including, but not limited to, the costs that would be incurred by the district under the agreement for the current and subsequent fiscal years. (Government Code 3547.5)

The Superintendent and chief business official shall certify, in writing, that any costs incurred by the district under the agreement can be met by the district during the term of the agreement and shall submit the certification to the Board prior to the Board's approval of the agreement. The certification shall itemize any budget revision necessary to meet the costs
of the agreement in each year of its term. (Government Code 3547.5)

A copy of the proposed agreement shall be made available to the public prior to the day of the Board meeting. The Superintendent or designee shall prepare a summary of the major provisions and changes in the proposed agreement.

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this
policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Codes,

8 CCR 32075, PERB regional office defined
Ed. Code 42130-42134, Financial reports and certifications
Gov. Code 3540.2, Meeting and negotiating in public educational employment
Gov. Code 3547, Proposals relating to representation; informing public
Gov. Code 3547.5, Major provisions of agreement with exclusive representation
Management Resources,
Website, CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website, California Public Employment Relations Board
Website, CSBA
Website, Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team
Website, School Services of California, Inc.
Website, California Department of Education
Cross References,

1112, Media Relations
1340, Access To District Records
1340, Access To District Records
3460, Financial Reports And Accountability
3460, Financial Reports And Accountability
4141, Collective Bargaining Agreement
4141.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4141.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4143, Negotiations/Consultation
4241, Collective Bargaining Agreement
4241.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4241.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4243, Negotiations/Consultation
9000, Role Of The Board
9010, Public Statements

9011, Disclosure Of Confidential/Privileged Information
9321, Closed Session
9321-E(1), Closed Session
9321-E(2), Closed Session

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