Certificated Personnel
Board Policy No. 4115
Policy Adopted: December 19, 2024
The Governing Board believes that regular, comprehensive evaluations designed to hold instructional staff accountable for their performance are key to improving their teaching skills and raising students' levels of achievement.
Evaluations shall be used to recognize the exemplary skills and accomplishments of staff and to identify areas needing improvement. When areas needing improvement are identified, the Board expects employees to accept responsibility for improving their performance and encourages them to take initiative to request assistance as necessary, including participation in appropriate staff development and/or individualized teacher support and guidance programs.
The Superintendent or designee shall assess the performance of certificated instructional staff as it reasonably relates to the following criteria: (Education Code 44662)
1. Students' progress toward meeting district standards of expected achievement for their grade level in each area of study and, if applicable, towards the state-adopted content standards as measured by state-adopted criterion-referenced assessments
2. The instructional techniques and strategies used by the employee
3. The employee's adherence to curricular objectives
4. The establishment and maintenance of a suitable learning environment within the scope of the employee's responsibilities
With the agreement of the exclusive representative of the certificated staff when applicable, the Superintendent or designee may incorporate objective standards from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and/or the California Standards for the Teaching Profession into district evaluation standards.
The evaluation of certificated employee performance shall not include the use of publishers' norms established by standardized tests. (Education Code 44662)
Noninstructional certificated employees shall be evaluated on their performance in fulfilling their defined job responsibilities. (Education Code 44662)
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that evaluation ratings have uniform meaning and are uniformly applied throughout the district.
Legal Reference:
33039 State guidelines for teacher evaluation procedures
35171 Availability of rules and regulations for evaluation of performance
44500-44508 Peer assistance and review program for teachers
44660-44665 Evaluation and assessment of performance of certificated employees (The Stull Act)
3543.2 Scope of representation