3541 AR - Transportation Routes and Services

Business and Noninstructional Operations
Administrative Regulation No. 3541
Regulation Reviewed:  February 13, 2019


Routes and Bus Stops

The Superintendent or designee shall design transportation routes and stops to promote the safety of students and maximum efficiency in the use of buses.

Students shall be eligible for transportation service to and from school if the distance between their school-established bus stop and the school is beyond the minimum listed below: 

For elementary school students:  Grades K-5:  one mile

The Superintendent or designee may authorize transportation within the walking distance when safety problems or hazards exist.

Students who attend a school outside their attendance area may be eligible for transportation services in accordance with Board policy.

The Superintendent or designee shall communicate in writing parents/guardians regarding bus routes, schedules and stops. 

Students who attend a school outside their attendance area may be eligible for transportation services in accordance with Board policy.

The district shall provide home-to-school transportation and additional transportation services as needed for students with disabilities as specified in their individualized education program or Section 504 plan.

(cf. 5116.1- Intradistrict Open Enrollment)
(cf. 5117 - Interdistrict Agreements)

The Superintendent or designee shall communicate in writing to parents/guardians regarding bus routes, schedules and stops and/or shall arrange for local media to publish such information.

(cf. 1112 -  Media Relations)

Transportation Services

With the Governing Board's authorization, transportation services may be provided or arranged by the district for:

1.  Students traveling to and from school during the regular school day (Education Code 39800)

2.  Field trips and excursions (Education Code 35330)

(cf. 3541.1 - Transportation for School-Related Trips)

3.  School activities, expositions or fairs, or other activities determined to be for the benefit of students (Education Code 39860)

4.  District employees and parents/guardians traveling to and from educational activities authorized by the district (Education Code 39837.5)

5.  Preschool or nursery school students (Education Code 39800)

6.  Students traveling to full-time occupational classes provided by a Regional Occupational Program or Center (Education Code 39807.5, 41850)

7.  Students traveling to and from their places of employment during the summer in connection with a summer employment program for youth (Education Code 39837)

8.  Nonschool purposes as allowed by law, such as:

a.  Community recreation (Education Code 39835)

b.  Public transportation (Education Code 39841)

c.  Transportation of government employees to and from their places of employment (Education Code 39840)

The district shall provide home-to-school transportation and additional transportation services as needed for students with disabilities as specified in their individualized education programs. (Education Code 41850; 20 USC 1400-1482; 34 CFR 104.4)

(cf. 3541.2 - Transportation for Students with Disabilities)

The Superintendent or designee shall provide transportation to homeless children in accordance with law, Board policy and administrative regulation.  When the student resides outside of district boundaries, the Superintendent or designee shall consult with the superintendent of the district of residence to apportion the responsibility and costs of transportation.  

The Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with the local child welfare agency to determine the provision, arrangement, and funding of transportation to enable foster youth to attend their school of origin when it is ins the student's best interest to do so.  (20 USC 6312)

(cf. 6173 - Education  for Homeless Children)

Legal Reference:
10900.5  Use of school buses for community recreation
35330  Excursions and field trips
35350  Authority to transport pupils
39800-39809.5 Transportation, general provisions, especially:
39800 Powers of governing board to provide transportation to and from school
39801.5 Transportation for adults
39808 Transportation for private school students
39830-39842 School buses, especially:
39835  Use of school buses for community recreation
39837 Transportation to summer employment program
39837.5  Transportation of employees and parents/guardians to school activities
39860 Transportation to school activities
41850-41857 Allowances for transportation
41860-41863  Supplementary allowances  for transportation
15240-15244 Allowances for student transportation
1400-1482  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
11432  McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
104.4   Equal opportunity under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

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