3320 BP - Claims & Action Against the District

Business and Noninstructional Operations
Board Policy No. 3320 
Policy Adopted:  February 6, 2020


The Governing Board desires to ensure that the district's operations are conducted in a manner that minimizes risk, protects district resources, and promotes the health and safety of students, staff, and the public. Any and all claims for money or damages against the district shall be presented to and acted upon in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation as well as the district's Joint Powers Authority (JPA) agreement or insurance coverage.

Any claim for money or damages not governed by the Government Claims Act (Government Code 810-996.6) or excepted by Government Code 905 shall be presented consistent with the manner and time limitations in the Government Claims Act, unless a procedure for processing such claims is otherwise provided by state or federal law.

Upon notice to the district of a claim, the Superintendent or designee shall take all necessary steps to protect the district's rights under any applicable contractual agreements, including the right to indemnification from its insurance or other coverage provider.

In accordance with Government Code 935.4, the Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to allow, compromise, or settle claims of $50,000 or less pursuant to any conditions of coverage in the district's JPA agreement or insurance.

Within 10 days of any change in the name of the district, the mailing address of the Board, or the names and addresses of the Board president, the Board clerk or secretary, or other Board members, the Superintendent or designee shall file the updated information with the Secretary of State and the County Clerk. (Government Code 53051)

Legal Reference:


35200 Liability for debts and contracts

35202 Claims against districts; applicability of Government Code


340.1 Damages suffered as result of childhood sexual abuse


800 Cost in civil actions

810-996.6 Claims and actions against public entities

6500-6536 Joint exercise of powers

53051 Information filed with secretary of state and county clerk


72 Fraudulent claims


City of Stockton v. Superior Court, (2007) 42 Cal. 4th 730

Connelly v. County of Fresno, (2006) 146 Cal.App.4th 29

CSEA v. South Orange Community College District, (2004) 123 Cal.App.4th 574

CSEA v. Azusa Unified School District, (1984) 152 Cal.App.3d 580


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