3260 AR - Fees and Charges

Business and Noninstructional Operations
Administrative Regulation No. 3260
Regulation Reviewed:  July 24, 2019
Revised: May 30, 2024


When approved by the Governing Board, the Superintendent or designee may impose a fee for the following:  (5 CCR 350) 

1.  Insurance for athletic team members, with an exemption providing for the district to pay the cost of the insurance for any team member who is financially unable to pay (Education Code 32221)

2.  Insurance for medical or hospital service for students participating in field trips and excursions  (Education Code 35331)

3.  Expenses of students’ participation in a field trip or excursion within the state or to another state, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country, as long as no student is prohibited from making the field trip due to lack of funds  (Education Code 35330)

4.  Student fingerprinting program, as long as the fee does not exceed the actual costs associated with the program  (Education Code 32390)

5.  School camp programs in outdoor science education, conservation education, or forestry operated pursuant to Education Code 8760-8774, provided that the fee is not mandatory and no student is denied the opportunity to participate for nonpayment of the fee  (Education Code 35335)

6.  Reimbursement to the direct cost of materials  used by a student to fabricate property they will take home for their own possession and use, such as wood shop, art, or sewing projects kept by students (Education Code 17551)

7.  Home-to-school transportation and transportation between regular, full-time day schools and regional occupational centers, programs, or classes, and an exemption is made for any student with a disability or any student who is eligible for free or reduced-price meals, any student who is an English learner, or any student who is a foster youth.  (Education Code 39807.5)

8.  Transportation for students to and from their places of employment in connection with any summer employment program for youth  (Education Code 39837)

9.  Deposit for school band instruments, music, uniforms, and other regalia which school band members take on excursions to foreign countries  (Education Code 38120)

10. An adult education or secondary school community service class in civic, vocational, literacy, health, family and consumer sciences,  technical and general education, not to exceed the cost of maintaining the class  (Education Code 51810-51815)

11. Eye safety devices worn in courses or activities involving the use of hazardous substances likely to cause injury to the eyes, when being sold to students and/or teachers or instructors to keep and at a price not to exceed the district's actual costs (Education Code 32033)

12. Actual cost of furnishing copies of any student's records, except that no charge shall be made for furnishing up to two transcripts or two verifications of a former student's records or for reproducing records of a student with a disability when the cost would effectively prevent the parent/guardian from exercising the right to receive the copies (Education Code 49065, 56504)

13. Actual cost of duplication for reproduction of the prospectus of school curriculum or for copies of public records  (Education Code 49091.14; Government Code 6253)

14. Food sold at school, subject to the California Universal Meals Program, free and reduced-price meal program eligibility and other restrictions specified in law  (Education Code 38084, 49501.5)

15. In accordance with law, replacement cost or reimbursement for lost or willfully damaged district books, supplies, or property, or for district property loaned to a student that the student fails to return  (Education Code 19910-19911, 48904)

16. Tuition for district school attendance by an out-of-state or out-of-country resident (Education Code 48050, 48052, 52613; 8 USC 1184) 

17. Adult education books, materials, transportation, and classes, except that no fee may be charged for classes in elementary subjects, classes for which high school credit is granted when taken by a person who does not hold a high school diploma, or classes in English and citizenship  (Education Code 39801.5, 52612, 60410) 

18. Preschool and child care and development services, in accordance with the fee schedule established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, unless the family qualifies for subsidized services or the program is exempted from fees by law. (Education Code 8211, 8213, 8252-8254)

19. Participation in a before-school,  after-school, or intersession program that is funded as an After School Education and Safety (ASES) program, 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC), or 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) program, or Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO) program, provided that fees are waived or reduced for families with students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and, in regard to ASES and 21st CCLC programs, fees are not charged if the district knows the student is a homeless or foster youth  (Education Code 8422, 8482.6, 46120)

20. Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Diploma examinations for college credits, as long as the examination is not a course requirement and the results have no impact on student grades or credits in the course

Collection of Debt
Before pursuing payment of any debt that has accumulated from unpaid permissible fees, the Superintendent or designee shall provide an itemized invoice for any amount owed by the parent/guardian on behalf of a student or former student. The invoice shall reference district policies related to debt collection and the rights established pursuant to Education Code 49014 and 49557.5. For each payment received, the district shall provide a receipt to the parent/guardian. (Education Code 49014)

The Superintendent or designee shall not sell debt owed by a parent/guardian of a student or former student. (Education Code 49014)

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