Community Relations
Administrative Regulation No. 1250
Regulation Reviewed: November 4, 2010
The Superintendent or designee shall post at every entrance to each school and school grounds a notice describing registration requirements, school hours or hours during which registration is required, the registration location, the route to take to that location, and the penalties for violation of registration requirements. (Education Code 32211; Penal Code 627.6)
Unless otherwise directed by the principal or designee, a staff member shall accompany visitors while they are on school grounds.
Registration Procedure
In order to register, an outsider shall, upon request, furnish the principal or designee with the following information: (Penal Code 627.3)
1. His/her name, address and occupation
2. His/her age, if less than 21
3. His/her purpose for entering school grounds
4. Proof of identity
5. Other information consistent with the provisions of law
Principal’s Registration Authority
The principal or designee may refuse to register any outsider if he/she reasonably concludes that the outsider's presence or acts would disrupt the school, students, or employees; would result in damage to property; or would result in the distribution or use of a controlled substance. The principal or designee or school security officer may revoke an outsider's registration if he/she has a reasonable basis for concluding that the outsider's presence on school grounds would interfere or is interfering with the peaceful conduct of school activities or would disrupt or is disrupting the school, students or staff. (Penal Code 627.4)
When an outsider fails to register, or when the principal or designee denies or revokes an outsider’s registration privileges, the principal or designee may request that the individual promptly leave school grounds. When an outsider is directed to leave, the principal or designee shall inform him/her that if he/she reenters the school within seven days he/she may be guilty of a misdemeanor subject to a fine and/or imprisonment. (Penal Code 627.7)
Appeal Procedure
Any person who is denied registration or whose registration is revoked may appeal to the Superintendent or principal by submitting, within five days after the person's departure from school, a written request for a hearing. This request must state why he/she believes the denial or revocation was improper and must provide an address to which the hearing notice may be sent. Upon receipt of the request for a hearing, the Superintendent or principal shall promptly mail a notice of the hearing to the person requesting it. A hearing before the Superintendent or principal shall be held within seven days after receipt of the request. (Penal Code 627.5)
(cf. 1312.1 - Complaints Concerning District Employees)
(cf. 1312.3 – Uniform Complaint Procedures)