0420.1 BP - School-Based Coordinated Program

Philosophy-Goals-Objectives and Comprehensive Plans
Board Policy No.  0420.1
Policy Adopted: December 9, 2010


In order to best serve students with special needs, as well as students participating in designated educational programs, the Governing Board encourages school-based program coordination as a means for achieving flexibility in the use of categorical funds received by each school. The Board believes that resources acquired to assist students in one program can often benefit other students without in any way depriving the originally targeted group.

A school site council shall be established at each school to consider whether or not it wishes the school to participate in school-based program coordination. All interested persons shall have an opportunity to meet in public to establish the site council. (Education Code 52852.5)

The school site council of any participating school shall develop, for approval by the Board, a school plan that addresses the components specified in Education Code 52853. This plan shall be incorporated into the school’s single plan for student achievement required for the state’s consolidated application process. (Education Code 52853, 64001)

Evaluation of each participating school’s educational program shall include an assessment of the school’s effectiveness in meeting the needs of each student population targeted by categorical funds.

(cf. 6174--Education for English Language Learners)

Legal Reference:
8750-8754 Conservation education
41500-41573 Categorical education block grants
44520-44534 New Careers Program
51870-51874 Education technology
52200-52212 Gifted and Talented Education Program
52340-52346 California Regional Career Guidance Centers
52800-52887 School-Based Program Coordination Act
54000-54041 Educationally Disadvantaged Youth Programs
54100-54145 Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Act
54650-54659 Education Improvement Incentive Program
56000-56885 Special education
64000 Categorical programs included in consolidated application
64001 Single school plan for student achievement, consolidated application programs
500-520.1 California Cadet Corps


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