5131.6 AR - Alcohol and Other Drugs

Administrative Regulation No. 
Policy adopted:  December 9, 2010



The curriculum of all elementary and secondary schools shall include instruction on the effects upon the human body, as determined by science, of tobacco, alcohol, narcotics, dangerous drugs as determined in Health and Safety Code 11-32, and other dangerous substances.  Instruction shall be sequential in nature and suited to meet the needs of students at their respective grade level.  (Education Doe 51203, 51260)

In grades 1 through 6, instruction in drug education should be given in health courses required by Education Code 51210.  (Education Code 51260)

In grades 7 through 8, instruction in drug education shall be conducted in health courses and in any other appropriate area of study required by Education Code 51220.  (Education Code 51260)

Instruction shall be provided by appropriately trained instructors who have demonstrated competencies, as determined by the principal or designee, in the following areas:  (Education Code 51260)

1.     The ability to interact with students in a positive way

2.     Knowledge of the properties and effects of tobacco, alcohol, narcotics, dangerous drugs, and shared drug apparatus

3.     Effective teaching skills and competency in helping students to express opinions responsibly and to become aware of their values as they affect drug-use decisions


The staff shall intervene whenever students use alcohol or other illegal drugs while on school property or under school jurisdiction.  Staff members who believe that a student may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall immediately notify the principal or designee.

If the principal or designee knows, observes or suspects that a student may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, he/she may notify the parent/guardian.  (Education Code 44049)

School staff shall not disclose confidential information provided during counseling by a student 12 years of age or older.  School counselors may report such information to the principal or parent/guardian only when they believe that disclosure is necessary to avert a clear and present danger to the health, safety or welfare of the student or other persons living in the school community.  They shall not disclose such information to the parent/guardian if they believe that the disclosure would result in a clear and present danger to the student's health, safety or welfare.  (Education Code 44049, 49602)


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