5125.2 AR - Withholding Grades, Diploma or Transcripts

Administrative Regulation No. 5125.2
Regulation reviewed: April 13, 2019 


When a minor student willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures real or personal property of the district or does not return district property that has been loaned to him/her upon demand of a district employee, the student's parents/guardians may be required to pay the costs of all damages within the limits established pursuant to Education Code 48094. Until the student's parents/guardians have paid for the damages, the Superintendent or designee may withhold the student's grades, diploma, and/or transcripts. (Education Code 48904)

Before withholding the student's grades, diploma, and/or transcripts, the Superintendent or designee shall inform the student's parents/guardians in writing of the student's alleged misconduct. (Education Code 48904)

The student shall be afforded due process consistent with procedures established for the expulsion of students. (Education Code 48904)

(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)

If the student and parent/guardian are unable to pay for the damages or return the property, the principal or designee shall provide a program of voluntary work for the student to do.  When this voluntary work is completed, the student's grades, diploma or transcripts shall be released.  (Education Code 48904)

When a student who is transferring into the district has had his/her grades, diploma, and/or transcripts withheld by the previous district, the Superintendent or designee shall continue to withhold the student's grades, diploma, and/or transcripts until notified by the previous district that the decision to withhold has been rescinded. (Education Code 48904.3)

Upon receiving notice that a student whose grades, diploma, and/or transcripts have been withheld by this district has transferred to another district in California, the Superintendent or designee shall provide the student’s records to the new district and notify the new district that the student's grades, diploma, and/or transcripts are being withheld from the student and parents/guardians pursuant to Education Code 48904.

The Superintendent or designee shall notify the parent/guardian in writing that this district's decision to withhold grades, diploma or transcript will be enforced by the new district.  (Education Code 48904.3)

(cf. 5125 - Student Records)

Legal Reference:


48904  Liability of parent
48904.3  Withholding grades, diplomas, or transcripts of pupils causing property damage or injury; transfer of pupils to new school districts; notice to rescind decision to withhold
48911  Suspension by principal, designee or superintendent
49069  Absolute right to access



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