5123 AR - Promotion/Acceleration/ Retention

Administrative Regulation No. 5123
Regulation reviewed: January 23, 2014



Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning through meeting grade-level academic standards of achievement in reading, language arts and mathematics.

Acceleration from Transitional Kindergarten to Kindergarten

A student enrolled in transitional kindergarten may be admitted to kindergarten at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee and with the consent of the parent/guardian upon determination that the child is ready for kindergarten work.

Admission shall be subject to the following minimum criteria: (5 CCR 200)

  1. The student meets the age requirements for transitional kindergarten.
  2. The student has attended a preschool or transitional kindergarten for a long enough time to enable school personnel to evaluate his/her ability.
  3. The District has evidence supported by student work and the demonstrated social-emotional readiness of the student.

Acceleration from Kindergarten to Grade 1

A student enrolled in kindergarten may be admitted to grade 1 at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee and with the consent of the parent/guardian upon determination that the child is ready for grade 1 work. (Education Code 48011)

Admission shall be subject to the following minimum criteria: (5 CCR 200)

  1. The student is at least five years of age.
  2. The student has attended a transitional kindergarten or kindergarten for a long enough time to enable school personnel to evaluate his/her ability.
  3. The parent/guardian of the student has filed a written statement with the school district approving the placement in grade 1.

Continuation in Kindergarten

Students who have completed one year of kindergarten shall be admitted to grade 1 unless the parent/guardian and the district agree that the student has not met District academic standards. (Education Code 48011)

Whenever a student continues in kindergarten for an additional year, the Superintendent or designee shall secure an agreement, signed by the parent/guardian, stating that the student shall continue in kindergarten for not more than one additional school year. (Education Code 46300)

Retention at Other Grade Levels

The Superintendent or designee shall identify students who should be retained or who are at risk of being retained at every grade level. (Education Code 48070.5)

Retention at Other Grades

The Superintendent or designee shall identify students who should be retained or who are at risk of being retained at every grade level.  (Education Code 48070.5)

The progress of each student will be evaluated using a variety of measures throughout the year of study.  Teacher judgment of student achievement will be based on ongoing observations and assessment of classroom performance.  For promotion to the next grade, the preponderance of the evidence of student achievement in reading, language arts, and mathematics must show accomplishment of grade level standards.

  1. Students in grade kindergarten through grade 3 shall be identified primarily on the basis of their level of proficiency in reading.  (Education Code 48070.5)
  2. Students in grade 4 through grade 8 shall be identified on the basis of their level of proficiency in reading, language arts, and mathematics.  Multiple measure, including applicable state tests, standards-based report card rubric scores for K-5, report card grades for 6-8, classroom assessments, and district-wide assessment will be used.  (Education Code 48070.5)

Kindergarten – Grade 3

A recommendation of promotion or retention in kindergarten through grade 3 will be based on student achievement of grade-level standards in reading. 

  • State Standardized Testing

      Student scores (grade 3 only) must meet or exceed district expectations on the current state standardized test.

  • Classroom Assessments

      Students must earn a “3” or above on the standards-based report card in reading.

  • District Assessments

      Students must demonstrate mastery in reading with a Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) score that meets or exceeds District expectations.

Grades 4 - 5

A recommendation of promotion or retention in grade 4 and grade 5 will be based on student achievement of grade-level standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics. 

  • State Standardized Testing

      Student scores (grades 4 and 5) must meet or exceed district expectations on the current state standardized test

  • Classroom Assessments

      Students must earn a “3” or above on the standards-based report card in reading, language arts and mathematics.

  • District Assessments

      Students must demonstrate accomplishment in reading, language arts, and mathematics with scores that meet District expectations on District assessments in those subject areas.

Grades 6 - 8

A recommendation of promotion or retention in grade 6 through grade 8 will be based on student achievement of grade-level standards in language arts and mathematics.

  • State Standardized Test

      Student scores must meet or exceed District expectations on the current state standardized test.

  • Classroom Assessments

      Students must earn a “D” or better in language arts and mathematics.

  • District Performance Assessments

      Students must demonstrate accomplishment in language arts and mathematics with scores that meet District expectations on District assessments in those subject areas.

If a student is identified as performing below the minimum standards for promotion, the student shall be retained in his/her current grade level unless the student’s regular classroom teacher determines, in writing, that retention is not the appropriate intervention for the academic deficiencies.  This determination shall specify the reasons that retention is not appropriate for the student and shall include recommendations for interventions that are, in the opinion of the teacher, necessary to assist the student meeting high academic standards.  (Education Code 48070.5)

If the teacher’s recommendation to promote is contingent on the student’s participation in a summer school or other remediation program, the student’s academic performance shall be reassessed at the end of the remediation program, and the decision to retain or promote the student shall be reevaluated at that time.  The regular classroom teacher’s evaluation shall be provided to and discussed with the student’s parents/guardians and the principal before any final determination of retention or promotion.  (Education Code Section 48070.5)

Special Programs

Academic proficiency of students who are not yet skilled in English will be measured using multiple assessments.  English Language Learners (ELL) must meet or exceed English Language Development (ELD) standards.  Progress within the ELD standards towards acquisition of English described by the English Language Arts content standards will be used as criteria for promotion or retention of ELL students.  ELL students shall not be retained on the basis that they are “less reasonably fluent in English.”

Students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be promoted or retained on the case-by-case basis, as determined by the student’s IEP team.  The IEP will describe the assessments used, the performance level criteria, and conditions by which the student will be tested.  Students with an IEP shall not be retained based solely on their disability.


If a student has more than one classroom teacher, the principal or designee shall specify the teacher(s) responsible for the decision to promote or retain the student. (Education Code 48070.5)

When a student is identified as being at risk of retention, the Superintendent or designee shall so notify the student’s parents/guardians as early in the school year as practicable. The student’s parent/guardian shall be provided the opportunity to consult with the teacher.  (Education Code 48070.5)

The teacher’s decision to promote or retain a student may be appealed consistent with Board policy, administrative regulation, and law.

The burden shall be on the appealing party to show why the teacher’s decision should be overruled. (Education Code 48070.5)

To appeal a teacher’s decision, the appealing party (parent/guardians or other district personnel) shall submit a written request to the Superintendent or designee specifying the reasons why the teacher’s decision should be overruled.  The appeal must be initiated within ten (10) regular school days of the determination of retention or promotion.  The teacher shall be provided an opportunity to state orally and/or in writing the criteria on which his/her decision was based.

Within thirty (30) days of receiving the request, the Superintendent or designee shall determine whether or not to overrule the teacher’s decision.  Prior to making this determination, the Superintendent or designee may meet with the appealing party and the teacher.  If the Superintendent or designee determines that the appealing party has overwhelmingly proven that the teacher’s decision should be overruled, he/she shall overrule the teacher’s decision.

The Superintendent or designee’s determination may be appealed by submitting a written appeal to the Board within fifteen (15) school days.  Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written appeal, the Board shall meet in closed session to decide the appeal.  The Board’s decision may be made on the basis of documentation prepared as part of the appeal process, or at the discretion of the Board, the Board may also meet with the appealing party, the teacher and the Superintendent/designee to decide the appeal.  The decision of the Board shall be final.

If a decision of the Board is unfavorable to the appealing party, the party shall have the right to submit a written statement of objections, which shall become part of the student’s record.

Supplemental Instruction

With the parent/guardian’s consent, the Superintendent or designee shall require a student in grade 2 through grade 8who has been recommended for retention or has been identified as being at risk of retention to participate in a supplemental instructional program.  Such programs may be offered during the summer, after school, on Saturdays and/or during intersessions.  Supplemental services shall not be provided during the regular instructional day if it would result in the student being removed from classroom instruction in the core curriculum (reading, language arts, and math). (Education Code 37252.2 and 37252.8)

These services shall be provided to students in the following priority order: (Education Code 37252.2 and 37252.8)

  1. Students (grades 2-8) who are recommended for retention pursuant to Education Code 48070.5.
  2. Students who have been identified as being at risk of retention pursuant to Education Code 48070.5.
  3. Students in grades 2-6 who have been identified as having a deficiency in mathematics, reading, or written expression based on the results of district assessments.

This supplemental instruction program shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of Education Code 37252.2 and 37252.8.


Extended curriculum is available for all students exceeding grade level standards. When high academic achievement is evident, the Superintendent or designee may recommend a student for acceleration into a higher grade level.  The student’s social and emotional growth shall be taken into consideration in making a determination to accelerate a student.  Parental consent shall be required for acceleration.

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