6154 BP - Homework Policy

Board Policy No. 6154 
Policy Approved:  June 6, 2007
Revised: May 30, 2024


The Board of Trustees recognizes that meaningful homework assignments can be a valuable extension of student learning time, provide enrichment, and assist students in developing good study habits. Homework and/or makeup work shall be assigned when necessary to support classroom lessons, enable students to complete unfinished assignments, or review and apply academic content for better understanding.

Students may use technology to assist with homework and/or makeup work in conducting research, correcting grammar and spelling, and learning from educational applications such as tutoring systems and language learning applications, as specified in Board Policy 5131.9 - Academic Honesty and Board Policy

The Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with school administrators and teachers to develop and regularly review guidelines for the assignment of homework and the related responsibilities of students, staff, and parents/guardians.

Homework assignments shall be reasonable in length and appropriate to the grade level and course. The Board expects that the number, frequency, and degree of difficulty of homework assignments will increase with the grade level and the maturity of students. Teachers shall assign homework only as necessary to fulfill academic goals and reinforce current instruction.

As needed, teachers may receive training in designing relevant homework assignments that reinforce classroom learning objectives and inspire students' interests.

Although on-time completion of homework is important to maintain academic progress, the Board recognizes that students learn at different rates. Students shall receive credit for work that is completed late in order to encourage their continued learning.

Age-appropriate instruction may be given to help students allocate their time wisely, meet their deadlines, learn to work independently, and develop good personal study habits.

At the beginning of the school year, teachers shall communicate homework expectations to students and their parents/guardians. Homework guidelines shall also be included in student and/or parent/guardian handbooks. These communications shall include the manner in which homework relates to achievement of academic standards and course content, the impact of homework assignments on students' grades, any school resources and programs that are available to provide homework support, and ways in which
parents/guardians may appropriately assist their children.

Although it is the student's responsibility to undertake assignments independently, parents/guardians may serve as a resource and are encouraged to ensure that their child's homework assignments are completed.

Students may also work with other students and use approved outside resources as directed by the teacher.

To further support students' homework efforts, the Superintendent or designee may establish and maintain electronic forums, provide access to school library media centers and technological resources, and/or
provide before-school and after-school programs where students can receive homework assistance from teachers, volunteers, and/or student tutors. The Board encourages the Superintendent or designee to design class and transportation schedules that will enable students to make use of homework support services.

Teachers shall review all completed homework to assess the student's understanding of academic content and shall provide timely feedback to the student.

If a student repeatedly fails to complete homework, the teacher shall notify the student's parents/guardians as soon as possible so that corrective action can be taken prior to the release of any final grades or report cards.

Makeup Work
Students who are absent from school shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time.

The Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians that no student may have a grade reduced or lose academic credit for any excused absence when missed assignments and tests are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. Such notification shall include the full text of Education Code 48205. (Education Code 48980)

Suspended Students
When a parent/guardian of a student who has been suspended for two or more school days requests homework that the student would otherwise have been assigned, the student's teacher shall provide such homework. If a homework assignment is requested and is turned in to the teacher by the student either upon the student's return from suspension or within the timeframe originally prescribed by the teacher, whichever is later, and is not graded before the end of the academic term, the homework assignment shall not be included in the calculation of the student's overall grade in the class. (Education Code 48913.5)

The teacher of any class from which a student is suspended may require the student to complete any assignments and tests missed during the suspension. (Education Code 48913)

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Code,
Ed. Code 46120, Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
Ed. Code 48205, Absence from school for jury duty or precinct board service
Ed. Code 48913, Completion of work missed by suspended student
Ed. Code 48913.5, Suspended students; homework assignments
Ed. Code 48980, Parent/Guardian notifications
Ed. Code 56341.1, Assistive technology devices for a student with a disability
Ed. Code 8420-8428, 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens
Ed. Code 8482-8484.65, After School Education and Safety Program
Ed. Code 8484.7-8484.9, 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Federal Code,
20 USC 1401, Assistive technology device; definition
20 USC 7171-7176, 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Management Resources,
CSBA Publication, Research-Supported Strategies to Improve the Accuracy and Fairness of Grades,
Governance Brief, July 2016
USDOE Office of Educational Technology Publication, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching
and Learning: Insights and Recommendations, May 2023
Website, Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium
Website, CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website, California State Parent Teacher Association
Website, CSBA
Cross Reference,
0470, COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
1240, Volunteer Assistance
1240, Volunteer Assistance
1700, Relations Between Private Industry And The Schools
3541, Transportation Routes And Services
4131, Staff Development
5020, Parent Rights And Responsibilities
5020, Parent Rights And Responsibilities
5113, Absences And Excuses
5113, Absences And Excuses
5121, Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement
5121, Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement
5131.9, Academic Honesty
5144.1, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process
5144.1, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process
5145.6, Parent/Guardian Notifications
5145.6-E(1), Parent/Guardian Notifications
5148, Child Care And Development
5148, Child Care And Development
5148.2, Before/After School Programs
5148.2, Before/After School Programs
6011, Academic Standards
6020, Parent Involvement
6020, Parent Involvement
6112, School Day
6112, School Day
6141.2, Recognition Of Religious Beliefs And Customs
6141.2, Recognition Of Religious Beliefs And Customs
6142.4, Service Learning/Community Service Classes
6159, Individualized Education Program
6159, Individualized Education Program
6163.1, Library Media Centers
6163.4, Student Use Of Technology
6163.4-E(1), Student Use Of Technology
6176, Weekend/Saturday Classes
6177, Summer Learning Programs

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