9250 BB-Remuneration/Reimbursement/Other Benefits

Bylaws of the Board 
Board Bylaw No. 9250
Adopted: May 15, 2014



Each member of the Governing Board may receive a monthly compensation up to the maximum monthly compensation as provided in Education Code 35120.

On an annual basis, the Board may increase the compensation of Board members beyond the limit delineated in Education Code 35120 in an amount not to exceed five percent based on the present monthly rate of compensation.  (Education Code 35120)

Board members are not required to accept payment for meetings attended.

Any Board member who does not attend all Board meetings during the month, is eligible to receive only a percentage of monthly compensation equal to the percentage of meetings attended unless otherwise authorized by the Board in accordance with law.  (Education Code 35120)

A member may be compensated for meetings missed when the Board, by resolution, finds that they were performing designated services for the district at the time of the meeting or that they were absent or tardy because of illness, jury duty or a hardship deemed acceptable by the Board.  The Board member who was absent shall request the Board president to place the resolution on a Board agenda.  (Education Code 35120)

In order to receive compensation for any Board meeting, Board members shall be present for the complete meeting or for three hours’ duration, whichever is less. 

Reimbursement of Expenses

Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred when performing authorized services for the district. Expenses for travel, telephone, business meals, or other authorized purposes shall be in accordance with policies established for district personnel and at the same rate of reimbursement.

Board members shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred when performing services directed by the Board. (Education Code 35044)

Authorized purposes may include, but are not limited to, attendance at educational seminars or conferences designed to improve Board members’ skills and knowledge; participation in regional, state, or national organizations whose activities affect the district's interests; attendance at district or community events; and meetings with state or federal officials on issues of community concern.

Personal expenses shall be the responsibility of individual Board members. Personal expenses include, but are not limited to, the personal portion of any trip, tips or gratuities, alcohol, entertainment, laundry, expenses of any family member who is accompanying the Board member on district-related business, personal use of an automobile, and personal losses and traffic violation fees incurred while on district business.

Any questions regarding the propriety of a particular type of expense should be resolved by the Superintendent or designee before the expense is incurred.

Health and Welfare Benefits for Current Board Members

Board members may participate in the health and welfare benefits program provided for District employees.

Health and welfare benefits for Board members shall be no greater than that received by District’s nonsafety employees with the most generous schedule of benefits.  (Government Code 53208.5)

Board members who elect to participate in medical benefits shall pay the full cost of premiums.

Board members who elect to participate in dental benefits shall have the cost of the premiums for themselves and family paid by the District consistent with terms of any agreement between the District and the classified bargaining unit. 

Health and Welfare Benefits for Former Board Members

Former Board members may participate in the health and welfare benefits program provided for District employees under the conditions specified below.

Health and welfare benefits for former Board members shall be no greater than that received by District’s nonsafety employees with the most generous schedule of benefits.  (Government Code 53208.5)

Any former member leaving the Board after at least one term of office may continue in the health and welfare benefits program at his/her own expense.  In order to be eligible upon leaving the Board, the Board member must have participated in a District plan for at least one (1) full plan year.  The former Board member is eligible to continue on the plan until age 65.  (Government Code 53201)

Health and welfare benefits provided to former Board members shall be extended at the same level at his/her expense and his/her spouse, registered domestic partner, and eligible dependent children as specified in law and the health plan.

Legal Reference:  
1090 Compensation for members and mileage allowance
33362 Reimbursement of expenses (Department of Education and CSBA workshops)
35012 Board members; number; election and term
35044 Payment of traveling expenses of representatives of board
35120 Compensation (services as member of governing board) 3
5172 Promotional activities
44038 Cash deposits for transportation purchased on credit GOVERNMENT CODE
0361 Elective officers; election to become member
53200-53209 Group insurance, especially
53200 Definitions:  group insurance, local agency; health and welfare benefits, employees Thorning v. Hollister School District, (1992) 11 Cal.App.4th 1598

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