9230 BB - Orientation

Bylaws of the Board
Board Bylaw No. 9230
Adopted October 5, 2017


Board Candidate Orientation

The Governing Board recognizes the importance of providing all newly elected or appointed Board members with support and information to assist them in becoming effective members of the Board. Incoming Board members shall be provided an orientation designed to build their knowledge of the district and an understanding of the responsibilities of their position. Such orientation may include the provision of information, support, and/or training related to Board functions, policies, protocols, and standards of conduct.

As early as possible following the election or appointment of Board members, one or more orientation sessions shall be held during open meeting(s) of the Board. The Board president and the Superintendent or designee shall develop an agenda for the meeting(s) and shall identify resources that may be useful for incoming Board members.

Upon their election or appointment, incoming Board members shall be provided a copy of the Brown Act and informed that, pursuant to Government Code 54952.1, they must conform to the Act's requirements as if they had already assumed office. Additional information for incoming Board members may include, but is not limited to, Board bylaws related to the limits of individual Board member authority, the conduct of Board meetings, and other Board operations; governance standards for ethical conduct; legal requirements related to conflict of interest and prohibited political activity; protocols for speaking with district staff, members of the public, and the media; and publications on effective governance practices.

In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall provide incoming Board members with specific background information regarding the district, including, but not limited to, the district's vision and goals statements, local control and accountability plan and other comprehensive plans, student demographic data, student achievement data, district policy manual, district budget, and minutes of recent open Board meetings.

The Superintendent or designee may offer incoming Board members a tour of district schools and facilities, and may introduce them to district and school site administrators and other staff.

Incoming members are encouraged, at district expense and with approval of the Board, to attend the California School Boards Association's Orientation for New Trustees, Institute for New and First-Term Board Members, and workshops and conferences relevant to the needs of the individual member, the Board as a whole, or the district.

Legal Reference:


33360 Department of Education and statewide association of school district boards; annual workshops

33362-33363 Reimbursement of expenses; board member or member-elect


13307 Candidate's statement

20440 Code of Fair Campaign Practices


54950-54963 The Ralph M. Brown Act, especially:

54952.1 Member of a legislative body

54952.7 Copies of Brown Act to board members

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