9100 BB - Organization

Bylaws of the Board
Board Bylaw No.  9100
Bylaw Adopted:  May 19, 2016


Annual Organizational Meeting

Each year, the Governing Board shall hold an annual organizational meeting.  In any year in which a regular election of district Board members is conducted, the organizational meeting shall be held with a 15-day period beginning form the date upon which a Board member elected at that election takes office.  During non-election years, the meeting shall be held within the same 15-day period on the calendar.  (Education Code 35132).

The day and time of the annual meeting shall be selected by the Board at its regular meeting held immediately prior to the first day of 15-day period.  On behalf of the Board, the Superintendent shall notify the County Superintendent of Schools of the day and time selected.  Within 15 days prior to the date of the annual meeting, the clerk of the Board, with assistance of the Superintendent, shall notify in writing all Board members and members-elect of the date and time selected for the meeting.  (Education Code 35143).

The Board shall hold an annual organizational meeting within the time limits prescribed by law. (Education Code 35143)

At this meeting the Board shall:

1.         Elect a president, vice president and clerk from its members.

2.         Appoint the Superintendent as secretary to the Board.

3.         Authorize signatures.

4.         Develop a schedule of regular meetings for the year.

5.         Develop a Board Governance Calendar for the year.

6.         Designate Board representatives.

(cf. 9140 - Board Representatives)

(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)

Election of Officers

The Board shall each year elect its entire slate of officers.

The election of Board officers shall be conducted during an open session of the annual organizational meeting.

Legal Reference:


35143  Annual organizational meeting  date, and notice

35145  Public meetings


54953  Meetings to be open and public; attendance

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