5113.11 AR - Attendance Supervision

Administrative Regulation No. 5113.11 
Regulation reviewed:  September 6, 2018


The Superintendent or designee shall appoint an attendance supervisor and any assistant attendance supervisor(s) as may be necessary to supervise the attendance of district students.  (Education Code 48240)

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that any person appointed as an attendance supervisor has been certificated for the work by the County Board of Education.  (Education Code 48241, 48245)

Such supervisors shall perform duties related to compulsory full-time education, truancy, compulsory continuation education, work permits, and any additional duties prescribed by the Superintendent or designee.  (Education Code 48240)

The attendance supervisor shall promote a culture of attendance and establish a system to accurately track student attendance in order to achieve all of the following:  (Education Code 48240)

1.         Raise the awareness of school personnel, parents/guardians, caregivers, community partners, and local businesses of the effects of chronic absenteeism and truancy and other challenges associated with poor attendance

2.         Identify and respond to grade level or student subgroup patterns of chronic absenteeism or truancy

3.         Identify and address factors contributing to chronic absenteeism and habitual truancy, including suspension and expulsion

(cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)

(cf. 5144.2 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process (Students with Disabilities))

4.         Ensure that students with attendance problems are identified as early as possible to provide applicable support services and interventions

5.         Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies implemented to reduce chronic absenteeism rates and truancy rates

The attendance supervisor may provide support services and interventions, including, but not limited to, the following:  (Education Code 48240)

1.         A conference between school personnel, the student's parent/guardian, and the student

2.         Promotion of cocurricular and extracurricular activities that increase student connectedness to school, such as tutoring, mentoring, the arts, service learning, or athletics

3.         Recognition of students who achieve excellent attendance or demonstrate significant improvement in attendance

4.         Referral of the student to a school nurse, school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, and other student support personnel for case management and counseling

5.         Collaboration with child welfare services, law enforcement, courts, public health care agencies, government agencies, or medical, mental health, and oral health care providers to receive necessary services

6.         Collaboration with school study teams, guidance teams, school attendance review teams, or other intervention-related teams to assess the attendance or behavior problem in partnership with the student and his/her parents/guardians or caregivers

7.         In schools with significantly higher rates of chronic absenteeism, identification of barriers to attendance that may require schoolwide strategies rather than case management

8.         Referral of the student for a comprehensive psychosocial or psychoeducational assessment, including for purposes of creating an individualized education program for a student with disabilities or creating a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973

9.         Referral of the student to a school attendance review board established pursuant to Education Code 48321 or to the probation department pursuant to Education Code 48263

10.       Referral of the student to a truancy mediation program operated by the county's district attorney or probation officer pursuant to Education Code 48260.6

The attendance supervisor shall annually report student attendance data to the Superintendent or designee and the Governing Board. Such data shall include, by school, grade level, and each numerically significant student subgroup as defined in Education Code 52052, rates of school attendance, chronic absence in which students are absent on 10 percent of more of the school days in the school year, and dropout.


Legal Reference:
1740  Employment of personnel to supervise attendance (county superintendent)
37223  Weekend classes
46000  Records (attendance)
46010-46014  Absences
46110-46119  Attendance in kindergarten and elementary schools
46140-46147  Attendance in junior high and high schools
48200-48208  Children ages 6-18 (compulsory full-time attendance)
48240-48246  Supervisors of attendance
48260-48273  Truants
48290-48297 Failure to comply; complaints against parents
48320-48325  School attendance review boards
48340-48341  Improvement of student attendance
48400-48403  Compulsory continuation education
52060-52077  Local control and accountability plan
60901  Chronic absence
270.1  Chronic truancy; parent/guardian misdemeanor
601-601.4  Habitually truant minors
11253.5   Compulsory school attendance
306  Explanation of absence
420-421  Record of verification of absence due to illness and other causes


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