3511.1 BP Integrated Waste Management

BP 3511.1 Integrated Waste Management
Adopted: December 8, 2022

The Governing Board believes that the conservation of water, energy, and other natural resources, the protection of the environment, and the implementation of an effective waste diversion program are connected to the district's educational mission and are essential to the health and well-being of the community.  The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement a cost-effective, integrated waste management program that incorporates the principles of green school operations. 
The district's integrated waste management program shall include strategies designed to promote waste management practices of source reduction, recycling, and composting to help the district reduce and recycle solid and organic waste, properly dispose of potentially hazardous materials, improve efficiency in the use of natural resources, and minimize the impact of such use on the environment.  The program shall address all areas of the district's operations, including, but not limited to, procurement, resource utilization, and facilities management practices. 

The Superintendent or designee may collaborate with city, county, and state agencies and other public or private agencies in developing and implementing the district's integrated waste management program. 

The Superintendent or designee shall make every effort to identify funding opportunities for the district's integrated waste management program, including applying for available grants or other cost-reduction incentives. 

The Superintendent or designee may provide appropriate educational and training opportunities to students and staff regarding the benefits and methods of conserving natural resources and the manner in which integrated waste management strategies impact such efforts. 

The Superintendent or designee shall regularly monitor all aspects of the district's integrated waste management program and shall provide an update to the Board on its effectiveness as necessary. 

Policy Reference Disclaimer: 
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.  

State                                                     Description

Ed. Code 17070.96 - Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1996, consideration of high performance standards

Ed. Code 17072.35- New construction grants; use for designs and materials for high performance schools

Ed. Code 32370-32376                        Recycling paper

Ed. Code 33541                                    Science requirements Pub. Res Code 41780-41786        Waste diversion

Pub. Res. Code 25410-25422               Energy conservation assistance Pub. Res. Code 40050-40063      Integrated waste management act

Pub. Res. Code 42620-42622               Source reduction and recycling programs

Pub. Res. Code 42630-42647               Schoolsite source reduction and recycling assistance program Pub. Res. Code 42649-42649.7  Recycling of commercial solid waste

Pub. Res. Code 42649.8-42649.87       Recycling of organic waste

Management Resources                     Description

CA Dept. of Resources Recycling and Where to Put It: Recycling, Composting, and Trash Bin

Recovery Pub.                                      Signage

CA Dept. of Resources Recycling and Recycling and Organics Recycling Guide for Schools Poster Recovery Pub.

CA Dept. of Resources Recycling and Frequently Asked Questions Recovery Pub.

Website                                                 CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services

Website                                                 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery

Website                                                 California Division of State Architect

Website                                                 California Environmental Protection Agency

Website                                                 California Energy Commission

Website                                                 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Website                                                 CSBA


Cross References

Code        Description

0100         Philosophy

1400         Relations Between Other Governmental Agencies And The Schools
3000       Concepts And Roles

3270 Sale And Disposal Of Books, Equipment And Supplies
3270 Sale And Disposal Of Books, Equipment And Supplies
3300 Expenditures And Purchases

3311         Bids

3311         Bids

3312         Contracts

3510         Green School Operations

3511 Energy And Water Management
3511 Energy And Water Management
3514 Environmental Safety
3514         Environmental Safety

3514.2     Integrated Pest Management 
3517                 Facilities Inspection
3517-E(1) Facilities Inspection


Staff Development


Staff Development


Staff Development


Environmental Education


Science Instruction


Facilities Master Plan


Relations With Local Agencies

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