Supts COVID- Aug. 5, 2022

Important COVID Safety Protocols

Dear Parents,

Safety is on our minds all the time, especially as we start a new school year. As a community we are still feeling the effects of a full year of in-person school during a pandemic, and the heavy loss of two of our own students last year. Nationally, we’ve witnessed terrifying gun violence in schools and public spaces. This year, MVWSD is renewing our focus on safety. We will be reviewing three safety areas - procedures, physical enhancements and programs - and reporting out to our Board, staff and parents.

This first safety update of this year is COVID related. As you know, I believe that we should do everything so that our students and staff remain in an in-person instructional environment. Some of our considerations are the high rate of infections in our county, how many people have been traveling during the summer, and that the state no longer supports on-campus, pooled testing programs for all California schools. In consultation with the Board, I believe the most prudent approach is to start the year as safely as possible.

The highlights of our COVID protocols are below. For all the supporting details, please view

* Masking is required indoors for students and staff currently (and continues while we are in community transmission level “High” as set by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines)
  * required for students who play aerosol-generating instruments (including recorders) in grades 4-8 and participate in singing/choir
  * required at large events (assemblies, concerts, etc.)
  * required in buses
  * required for visitors and volunteers.

* Our mitigation strategies such as hand washing/ sanitizing, cleaning protocols and high-quality air filtration will continue.

* Sick individuals who test positive or are symptomatic should mask and be isolated for 5 days (after positive test/onset of symptoms) or more.

* Parents may be on campus inside the fences until the bell rings at the start of the day, and can return to campus inside the fences after the dismissal bell rings.

* Volunteer guidelines remain in effect. Frequent volunteers are required to mask and to apply to receive a badge and submit proof of COVID vaccination

As always, I appreciate your support and understanding as we continue to make safety a priority. I look forward to talking with you about this and other updates at the first Superintendent's Check In next week.


Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.

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