Supts eNews Dec. 10, 2021

Board meeting review: Staff housing, Monta Loma Outdoor Areas Improvement Project Update, new officers

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday night. Here are the highlights.

The Trustees heard an update on the construction of two MVWSD employee housing projects. Construction has begun on 144 units for rental by staff members at 777 West Middlefield Rd at the existing Village Lakes Apartments. The developer, Fortbay/Miramar Property Group, will build 19 studios, 87 one-bedroom, and 38 two-bedroom units for rent at below market rate by mostly MVWSD staff members. Due to COVID, its expected completion date has been pushed to 2025.

There are also 12 units that will be available to MVWSD staff members at the new development at 231 Grant Ave., Palo Alto. This project is a partnership with participating School Districts and the County of Santa Clara, and is expected to be completed in 2024.

Monta Loma Outdoor Areas Improvement Project Update: MVWSD and the City are working together with Carducci Associates to develop and guide the design process for the Monta Loma Outdoor Improvements Project and to hold multiple meetings to hear community input. The goal is to receive all input to create a comprehensive design that provides for many school and community uses. Please see the list of all upcoming meetings and project details here:

Meeting 1: Community input process - Public
Wednesday, December 15 at 6 pm on Zoom at
This is a public kick-off meeting to review the public outreach process.

Trustees elected new board officers at their annual organizational meeting. The Board elected President Laura Blakely, Vice President Laura Ramirez Berman and Clerk Ellen Wheeler. Thank you to Devon Conley for her leadership as Board President this past year.


COVID safety over winter break
Winter travel

We strongly encourage families to get tested after the holidays and before returning to school after the holiday, especially if you are traveling. Even as children 5-11 are now starting to get vaccinated, it is still important that we stay vigilant with safety precautions, particularly in light of the variant, Omicron.  

* Test for COVID before and after holiday traveling and/or gatherings.
  * Due to low supplies of test kits through the CDE purchasing system, MVWSD cannot provide rapid antigen tests to families. Instead, we are planning a community testing event on Dec. 29 from 8:00-11:00am at the District Office, 1400 Montecito Ave. Look for more details by email.
  * Please vaccinate all eligible members of your household, especially if you are traveling and/or gathering with family and friends.
  * Continue to wear a mask 

Last day for OKtoReopen screener is Friday

With student vaccination rates increasing for our younger students, on-campus COVID testing and increased awareness in our community about Covid symptoms and protocols, there is no longer need for the OKtoReopen screener. Starting after break when students return on the morning of January 4 , you will no longer receive an email or text message from OKtoReopen. Thank you for your consistent use of the screener in the past months.

Work every day at your child’s school: Permanent substitute teachers needed

subs needed graphicMVWSD is seeking a long-term substitute teacher to work every day with a variety of classes on campus at each of our schools. We are still hiring for Castro, Mistral, Monta Loma, Bubb and Landels. Please consider this flexible, fun, dynamic work that has a big impact on our students!

The permanent substitute teacher rate is $220 per day. Please express interest in the “permanent sub” position when the hiring department reaches out. We appreciate your commitment to our students and community, especially in this time of COVID-19.

You may read requirements and apply online at For information, please email Noemi Herrera at [email protected].

Volunteers: Apply for campus badges soon

While volunteering has been limited at the start of the year due to COVID-19, the district is kicking off the process for volunteers to apply for and receive identification badges. These badges will work with the Raptor electronic check in stations at school offices. Potential volunteers can complete their background checks and other documentation just once a year. Then, they can quickly scan their badge at the office. Look for more information coming soon.


High Fives:
All State Junior High Honor
Eight Graham Middle School choir students recently were selected for the All State Junior High Honor choir taking place in February of 2022. Congratulations!
School vaccine clinics
Theuerkauf, Stevenson, Castro and Mistral recently partnered with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department to provide 400 on-campus Covid vaccinations to our students and their families. Thank you to the County and our school staff members for making this possible!
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