2020 LCP

On June 29, 2020, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 98 (SB 98) into law. SB 98  mandates the creation of a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) in lieu of the 2020-21 Local Control Accountability Plan which was originally required by the Governor’s Executive Order N-56-20 in April 2020.

The Learning Continuity Plan (LCP)

The LCP is intended to balance the needs of all stakeholders, including educators, parents, students and community members and the ongoing need for Districts to formally plan to return to school in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic  without requiring two plans (an LCAP and LCP).

Included in the LCP

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan template memorializes the planning process already underway for the 2020–21 school year and includes descriptions of the following: 

* How District's conducted meaningful stakeholder engagement
* The plan for in-person instruction
* The plan for Distance Learning
* How the District is providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning
* How the District is monitoring Pupil Participation and Progress
* The plan for Professional Development and description of any new positions added to support efforts to return to school
* How the District is addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness
* How the District is measuring and addressing pupil learning loss
* How the District is providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being 
* How the District will continue to provide school meals for students
* How the District is Increasing or Improving services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-Income Students


Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Sept 2020) 
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan- Spanish (Sept 2020)


Stakeholders were welcome to comment on the draft LCP plan.  Interested parties had the opportunity to read the draft plan and supporting presentation (above) and provide input. Here are the results:

Public Hearing Comments and Responses  
Public Hearing Comments and Responses Spanish

DELAC Questions and Responses
DELAC Questions and Responses Spanish

DAC Questions and Responses
DAC Questions and Responses Spanish

Stakeholder Input and Responses
Stakeholder Input and Responses Spanish

NOTICE OF 2020 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP)

The governing board of Mountain View Whisman School District will hold a public hearing on the adoption of the proposed Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) for the district for the 2020 school year,
prior to final adoption,
as required by Education Code Section 52062(b)(1) 

Members of the Public are encouraged to attend and offer comments and specific recommendations regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the LCP.  

The public hearing will be held during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. 

To participate in and view virtual Board meetings
Meetings will be available by dial-in phone number. Please check the agenda for phone number, meeting ID and password. The meeting also will be streamed as usual on youtube.com/mvwsd
Members of the public who wish to address the Board during the Board of Trustees meeting may email comments to [email protected]. In order to expedite the meeting, please send your comments by the Wednesday before the meeting. Staff will make all attempts to share and record any submissions received, however, depending on timing, late submissions will be provided to the Board after the conclusion of the meeting.
The LCAP can be inspected by the public beginning August 21st.   Paper copies of the plan will be available by request by calling sites or the District office.  
Families unable to participate in the public hearing due to connectivity issues may provide feedback to their school’s School and Community Engagement Facilitator. who will share the information with the District representative and written responses will be provided. 

The proposed LCP can also be viewed online above on this webpage.

The governing board is scheduled to take action on the adoption of the proposed LCP at the regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 17, 2020.


The timeline for completing the LCP is as follows:

June/July - Stakeholder Engagement

Plan is written using published template
Plan is reviewed by a representative of the SCCOE (August 18, 2020)
Plan is posted to District website for public review (August 19, 2020)
Plan is reviewed by DELAC - August 19, 2020
Plan is reviewed at DAC - August 24, 2020
Written Comments are sent to advisory committees and posted on District website (week of August 24th)

Public Hearing  - September 3, 2020 meeting of the Board of Trustees
* Outreach to community about opportunity to comment via email, newsletters, social media, as well as by school messenger to ensure all families, even those without internet are notified of meetings
Paper copies of the plan will be available by request by calling sites or the District office.  
* Families unable to participate in the public hearing due to connectivity issues may provide feedback to their school’s School and Community Engagement Facilitator. Who will share the information with the District representative and written responses will be provided. 

Final approval - September 17, 2020 meeting of the Board of Trustees

COVID Operations Report

Due to COVID-19, in April Governor Gavin Newsom's executive order extended the deadline for districts to submit LCAP plans. Districts were required to submit an update of COVID-19 related effects on students and their plans to address the impact. 

Click here for the COVID-19 State Mandated Report approved by the Board of Trustees on June 18, 2020

Click here for the COVID-19 State Mandated Report (Spanish)

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