6157 BP - Distance Learning

The Governing Board recognizes that distance learning can be a viable alternative instructional strategy that supports student achievement of academic goals. Distance learning opportunities may be offered to students participating in independent study, credit recovery courses, enrichment courses, or other courses identified by the Superintendent or designee, or in the event that a school site is physically closed due to widespread illness, natural disaster, or other emergency.

(cf. 3516 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan)
(cf. 3516.5 - Emergency Schedules)
(cf. 4113.5/4213.5/4313.5 - Working Remotely)
(cf. 6158 - Independent Study)

The district may offer distance learning through a variety of delivery methods as appropriate for the grade level and subject matter. Distance learning opportunities may include video, audio, and/or written instruction in which the primary mode of communication between the student and
teacher is online interaction, instructional television, live or prerecorded video, telecourses, and other instruction that relies on computer or communications technology. They may also include the use of print materials with written or oral feedback.
The Superintendent or designee shall review and select distance learning courses, which may include those taught by district staff or others, that are of high academic quality and are aligned with district standards and curricula. As appropriate, courses may be self-directed to allow students to complete assignments at their own pace and/or may involve real-time interaction among the teacher and students.

(cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation)
(cf. 6143 - Courses of Study)

The Superintendent or designee shall, in collaboration with teachers, plan for schoolwide or long-term distance learning in the event of a school closure. In developing the plan, the Superintendent or designee shall analyze the course sequence, prioritize content and standards to
be completed, and recommend the grading criteria. In such circumstances, students' social emotional wellness shall be taken into account, and schedules and learning experiences shall be designed to build continuity, routine, and regular connections with students.

(cf. 5141.5 - Mental Health)

As needed, the Superintendent or designee shall provide teachers with training and ongoing support, including technological support and guidance, to effectively implement distance learning. The district shall also provide opportunities for teachers to communicate and collaborate with each other to exchange information on effective practices.

(cf. 4131 - Staff Development)

Staff shall comply with all copyright regulations in developing materials to be used in distance education courses.

(cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials)

The district shall take steps to ensure that distance learning opportunities are available to all students, including economically disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, and English learners. Teachers may use multiple methods of providing instruction to meet student needs. All online programming and Internet content shall meet accessibility standards for students with disabilities, including compatibility with commonly used assistive technologies.

(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 0415 - Equity)
(cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program)
(cf. 6174 - Education for English Learners)

The Superintendent or designee shall assess students' access to technological devices and the Internet and, consistent with the district's budget and technology plan, may loan devices to students to use at home and/or assist families in identifying free service providers. Students are
expected to use district technology responsibly in accordance with the district's Acceptable Use Agreement. To the extent possible, the district shall make technical and academic support available to students.

(cf. 0440 - District Technology Plan)
(cf. 3311.4 - Procurement of Technological Equipment)
(cf. 3515.4 - Recovery for Property Loss or Damage)
(cf. 6163.4 - Student Use of Technology)

Teachers shall provide regular communications to students and parents/guardians about expectations, assignments, and available resources to assist the student in successful completion of distance learning coursework.

(cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement)

Grading of distance learning assignments and assessments of end-of-course knowledge and understanding of the subject matter shall be consistent with district policy on grading for equivalent courses.

(cf. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement)
(cf. 6146.3 - Reciprocity of Academic Credit)
(cf. 6146.11 - Alternative Credits Toward Graduation)

Legal Reference:
35182.5 Contracts for electronic products or services; prohibitions
51210-51212 Course of study for grades 1-6
51220-51229 Course of study for grades 7-12
51740-51741 Authority to provide instruction by correspondence
51745-51749.3 Independent study
51865 California distance learning policy
20118.2 Contracting by school districts; technological equipment
7131 Internet safety
254 Universal service discounts (E-rate); Internet safety
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