2018-19 MV Parent U offerings

2018-19 Parent U workshops

Parenting in the Age of Technology and Social Media
Wednesday, May 8
6:30-8pm, Graham MUR, 1175 Castro St.

Presenters: My digital TAT2. Gloria Moskowitz-Sweet, PPSC, LCSW was a university lecturer for 20 years and has over 30 years of experience as a school social worker, specializing in the social emotional well being of children and teens. 

Topics include the evolving digital landscape and current trends
Emotional and psychological responses to technology and social media
Responding to challenging issues, such as techno-perfection, digital distraction, and sleep
Strategies to engage your child with constructive conversation and promote media balance for the entire family

* Interpretation (Spanish support)
* Child care
* Transportation (Bus departs from Crittenden Middle School at 6 p.m. and Castro Elementary at 6:15 p.m. and returns at 8:30 p.m.)
* Live streaming on the web at www.mvwsd.org


Wednesday, Sept. 12
6:30-8PM, Crittenden MUR, 1701 Rock St.
Super Readers! Growing Your Child's Skills

Presenters: The Mountain View Public Library (Julie Jackson, Librarian Youth Services) and Patricia Girardi (Former Principal and District Literacy Coordinator)

Please join us to learn several strategies for supporting your readers and writers at home:

• How to boost your child’s reading engagement and make reading fun

• Ways to encourage and support writing 

• How to have conversations with your child and build language that supports academic success

In addition, the Mountain View Library will share:
* Ebooks and online library resources
* Information on library programs and services for the entire family

* Interpretation (Spanish support)
* Child care
* Transportation (Bus departs from Castro Elementary and Graham Middle School at 6 p.m. and returns at 8:30 p.m.)
* Raffle prizes!!!


MV Parent U presents “Cyber bullying: What parents need to know about cyberbullying and its effect on students' mental health.”

When: Wednesday, October 10th from 6:30-8pm at the Graham Middle School Auditorium.
Presenters: Uplift - Deanna Flores, Prevention and Early Intervention Program and Santa Rodriguez, Family Partner

* Learn how to help our kids stay safe online.
* Discussion of online dangers and how to create a safe space for children to talk to their parents.

* Interpretation (Spanish support)
* Child care
* Transportation (Bus departs from Crittenden Middle School at 6 p.m. and Castro Elementary at 6:15 and returns at 8:30 p.m.)
* Raffle prizes!!!


picture of Dr. Francisco JimenezWednesday, November 7
6:30-8pm, Crittenden Auditorium, 1701 Rock St.
Dr. Francisco Jiménez, Author: "The Transformative Power Of Education"

Author and educator Francisco Jiménez has been an agent for change in academia and public education for the last thirty years. He emigrated with his family from Mexico to California and as a child worked alongside his parents in the fields of California. He received his BA from Santa Clara University and an MA and Ph.D. in Latin American literature from Columbia University under a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. He is a professor and administrator at Santa Clara University. His four-book series—The Circuit, Breaking Through, Reaching Out, Taking Hold--has been included in the American Library Association Booklist's 50 Best Young Adult Books of All Time.  

* Interpretation (Spanish support)
* Child care
* Transportation (Bus departs from Graham Middle School at 6 p.m. and Castro Elementary at 6:15 and returns at 8:30 p.m.)
* Raffle prizes!!!


Tuesday, Feb. 5 - New date!
6:30-8pm, Graham Auditorium, 1175 Castro St.

picture of Dolores HuertaDolores Huerta, Labor Leader, Activist, and Community Advocate

Ms. Huerta is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who, with Cesar Chavez, is a co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association. She will talk about the importance of education, parents' role in students’ success and how they can advocate for their children. As founder and president of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, she travels across the country engaging in campaigns and influencing legislation that supports equality and defends civil rights. She continues to work tirelessly developing leaders and advocating for the working poor, women, and children.

* Interpretation (Spanish support)
* Child care
* Transportation (Bus departs from Castro Elementary and Crittenden Middle School at 6 p.m. and returns at 8:30 p.m.)
* Raffle prizes!!!


Wednesday, February 13
6:30-8pm, Crittenden MUR, 1701 Rock St.
“Being an 'Askable Adult'--Talking to your child about sexuality”

Presented by Health Connected, a Bay Area health education leader, parents will learn the why, what, how and when of talking with your kids about sexual health. Join us for a fun and interactive workshop that will inspire and assist trusted adults to engage their children in open and honest conversation. 

The session is appropriate for adults with children of any age, and definitely relevant for adults with children approaching puberty through their teen years.


Getting Ready for High School
MV Parent U presents “Getting Ready for High School,” a guide for middle and elementary school families

Wednesday, Mar. 13, 
6:30-8 PM at the Graham Middle School MUR

Please join us to learn :
* What to expect in high school from the student, staff and parent perspective
* What resources are available to teachers and parents to help ease students' transition
* What skills to focus on in elementary and middle school to prepare for high school

Students, administrators, parents and school counselors from MVWSD and Mountain View Los Altos High School District. Interactive, question and answer format


Interpretation (Spanish support)

Child care

Transportation (Bus departs from Castro Elementary and Crittenden Middle at 6 p.m. and returns at 8:30 p.m.)


MV Parent U presents “Positive Parenting Strategies,” on Wednesday, April 10, 6:30-8 PM at the Crittenden Middle School Auditorium.

As parents we seek to have the most positive impact that we can on our children.  How can we tell if we are doing enough, or doing too much, to help?  

Parents will learn…
* approaches parents can use to understand the impact that we are having today
* techniques and approaches parents can use to have an even more positive impact in the future.  

Presenter: Tracy Greene is a Marriage and Family Therapist.  She specializes in supporting individuals and families in crisis; helping sort through the emotional impact while developing strategies to move forward.  

* Interpretation (Spanish support)
* Child care
* Transportation (Bus departs from Castro Elementary and Graham Middle at 6 p.m. and returns at 8:30 p.m.)

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