6142.8 BP - Comprehensive Health Education

Board Policy No. 6142.8
Policy approved:  August 17, 2006
Policy revised: February 8, 2024


The Governing Board believes that health education should foster the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students need in order to lead healthy lives and avoid high-risk behaviors, and that creating a safe, supportive, inclusive, and nonjudgmental environment is crucial in promoting healthy development for all students. The district's health education program shall be part of a coordinated school health system which recognizes that mental health and social connection are critical to student's overall health, well-being, and academic success, supports the physical, mental, and social well-being of students, reflects the importance of digital and media literacy, and is linked to district and community services and resources.

Goals for the district's health education program shall be designed to promote student wellness and shall include, but not be limited to, goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that promote student well-being.

Any health education course offered to middle or high school students shall include instruction in mental health that meets the requirements of Education Code 51925-51926, and as specified in Administrative Regulation 6143 - Courses of Study.

The district shall provide a planned, sequential, research-based, and developmentally appropriate health education curriculum for students in grades K-12 which is aligned with the state's content standards and curriculum framework and integrated with other content areas of the district's curriculum. The Superintendent or designee shall determine the grade levels and subject areas in which health-related topics will be addressed, in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation.

As appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall involve school administrators, teachers, school nurses, health professionals representing various fields of health care, parents/guardians, community-based organizations, and other community members in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the district's health education program.

Health and safety professionals may be invited to provide related instruction in the classroom, school assemblies, and other instructional settings.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide professional development as needed to ensure that health education teachers are knowledgeable about academic content standards, the state curriculum framework, and effective instructional methodologies.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide periodic reports to the Board regarding the implementation and effectiveness of the district's health education program, which may include, but not be limited to, a description of the district's program and the extent to which it is aligned with the state's content standards and curriculum framework, the amount of time allotted for health instruction at each grade level, student achievement of district standards for health education, and the manner in which the district's health education program supports the physical, mental, and social well-being of students.

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Description
5 CCR 11800-11801 District health education plan
Ed. Code 35183.5 Sun protection
Ed. Code 49413 First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
Ed. Code 49430-49434 Pupil Nutrition, Health, and Achievement Act of 2001
Ed. Code 49490-49494 School breakfast and lunch programs
Ed. Code 49500-49505 School meals
Ed. Code 51202 Instruction in personal and public health and safety
Ed. Code 51203 Instruction on alcohol, narcotics and dangerous drugs
Ed. Code 51210 Course of study for grades 1-6
Ed. Code 51210.8 Health education curriculum
Ed. Code 51220.5 Parenting skills; areas of instruction
Ed. Code 51225.36 Instruction in sexual harassment and violence; districts that require health education for graduation
Ed. Code 51225.6 Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation; districts that
require health education for graduation
Ed. Code 51260-51269 Drug education
Ed. Code 51513 Personal beliefs
Ed. Code 51880-51881.5 Health education; legislative findings and intent
Ed. Code 51890-51891 Comprehensive health education programs and community participation; definitions
Ed. Code 51900.6 Sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention instruction
Ed. Code 51913 District health education plan
Ed. Code 51920 Inservice training; health education
Ed. Code 51925-51929 Mandatory mental health education and in-service training
Ed. Code 51930-51939 California Healthy Youth Act
Ed. Code 67386 Student safety; affirmative consent standard
Ed. Code 8850.5 Family relationships and parenting education
Federal Description
42 USC 1751-1769j School Lunch Program
42 USC 1758b Local wellness policy
42 USC 1771-1793 Child Nutrition Act
Management Resources Description
California Department of Education Publication
Health Education Framework for California Public Schools:
Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, 2019
California Department of Education
Health Education Content Standards for California Public
Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, 2008
CSBA Publication Integrating Oral Health into School Health Programs and
Policies, May 2010
CSBA Publication Promoting Healthy Relationships for Adolescents: Board
Policy Considerations, August 2014
CSBA Publication Integrating Physical Activity into the School Day, April 2016
CSBA Publication Preventing Catastrophic Health Illness, Governance Brief, July 2018
CSBA Publication The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on K-12: The Effect of Marijuana on the Brain, November 2018
CSBA Publication Why Schools Hold the Promise for Adolescent Mental Health, Governance Brief, May 2019
CSBA Publication Sun Safety in Schools, Policy Brief, July 2006
CSBA Publication Asthma Management in the Schools, Policy Brief, March 2008
CSBA Publication Student Wellness: A Healthy Food and Physical Activity Policy
Resource Guide, rev. April 2006
CSBA Publication Monitoring for Success: A Guide for Assessing and
Strengthening Student Wellness Policies, rev. 2012
CSBA Publication Promoting Oral Health for California's Students: New Roles, New Opportunities for Schools, Policy Brief, November 2008
Human Rights Campaign Foundation Publication
California LGBTQ Youth Report, January 2019
Society of Health & Physical Educators Publication
National Health Education Standards: Achieving Excellence,
rev. November 2012
US Department of Health and Human Services
Social Media and Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon
General’s Advisory, 2023
US Dept of Health and Human Services Publication
Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: The U.S. Surgeon
General’s Advisory on the Health Effects of Social Connection
and the Community, 2023
Website SHAPE America, Society of Health and Physical Educators
Website CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website Human Rights Campaign Foundation
Website U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Website American School Health Association
Website California Association of School Health Educators
Website California Department of Education, Health Education
Website National Center for Health Education
Website National Hearing Conservation Association
Website California Subject Matter Project, Physical Education-Health
Website Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice
Website Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Website CSBA
Website California Department of Public Health
Website California Healthy Kids Resource Center
Cross References
Code Description
0200 Goals For The School District
0415 Equity
0450 Comprehensive Safety Plan
0450 Comprehensive Safety Plan
0470 COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
0500 Accountability
1220 Citizen Advisory Committees
1220 Citizen Advisory Committees
1240 Volunteer Assistance
1240 Volunteer Assistance
1325 Advertising And Promotion
1400 Relations Between Other Governmental Agencies And The Schools
1700 Relations Between Private Industry And The Schools
3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools
3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools
3513.4 Drug And Alcohol Free Schools
3514 Environmental Safety
3514 Environmental Safety
3516 Emergencies And Disaster Preparedness Plan
3516 Emergencies And Disaster Preparedness Plan
3543 Transportation Safety And Emergencies
3550 Food Service/Child Nutrition Program
3550 Food Service/Child Nutrition Program
3554 Other Food Sales
3554 Other Food Sales
4131 Staff Development
5020 Parent Rights And Responsibilities
5020 Parent Rights And Responsibilities
Mountain View, California
5022 Student And Family Privacy Rights
5022 Student And Family Privacy Rights
5030 Student Wellness
5131 Conduct
5131.2 Bullying
5131.2 Bullying
5131.6 Alcohol And Other Drugs
5131.6 Alcohol And Other Drugs
5131.62 Tobacco
5131.62 Tobacco
5131.63 Steroids
5131.63 Steroids
5137 Positive School Climate
5138 Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation
5141 Health Care And Emergencies
5141 Health Care And Emergencies
5141.21 Administering Medication And Monitoring Health Conditions
5141.21 Administering Medication And Monitoring Health Conditions
5141.22 Infectious Diseases
5141.22 Infectious Diseases
5141.23 Asthma Management
5141.23 Asthma Management
5141.3 Health Examinations
5141.3 Health Examinations
5141.31 Immunizations
5141.31 Immunizations
5141.32 Health Screening For School Entry
5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting
5141.4 Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting
5141.5 Mental Health
5141.52 Suicide Prevention
5141.52 Suicide Prevention
5141.6 School Health Services
5141.6 School Health Services
5141.7 Sun Safety
5142 Safety
5142 Safety
5142.2 Safe Routes To School Program
5142.2 Safe Routes To School Program
5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment
5145.6 Parent/Guardian Notifications
5145.6-E(1) Parent/Guardian Notifications
5145.7 Sexual Harassment
5145.7 Sexual Harassment
5145.9 Hate-Motivated Behavior
5146 Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students
6011 Academic Standards
6020 Parent Involvement
6020 Parent Involvement
6141 Curriculum Development And Evaluation
6141 Curriculum Development And Evaluation
6141.2 Recognition Of Religious Beliefs And Customs
6141.2 Recognition Of Religious Beliefs And Customs
6142.1 Sexual Health And HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction
6142.1 Sexual Health And HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction
6142.5 Environmental Education
6142.7 Physical Education And Activity
6142.7 Physical Education And Activity
6143 Courses Of Study
6143 Courses Of Study
6144 Controversial Issues
6145.2 Athletic Competition
6145.2 Athletic Competition

6145.8 Assemblies And Special Events
6146.1 High School Graduation Requirements
6161.1 Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials
6161.1 Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials
6161.1-E(1) Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials
6162.8 Research
6162.8 Research
6163.4 Student Use Of Technology
6163.4-E(1) Student Use Of Technology
6164.2 Guidance/Counseling Services
6172 Gifted And Talented Student Program
6172 Gifted And Talented Student Program
6190 Evaluation Of The Instructional Program

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