Community Relations
Board Policy No. 1312
Adopted December 19, 2024
The Governing Board recognizes its accountability to the public for the quality of the district's educational program and the performance of district employees. The district shall provide a process by which a complaint submitted by any person regarding an employee can be resolved impartially, expeditiously, and with minimal disruption to district operations and the educational program.
When a concern regarding an employee is presented during a Board meeting or to an individual Board member or employee outside of a Board meeting, the complainant shall be informed of the appropriate complaint procedure.
Any complaint regarding the Superintendent shall be initially filed in writing with the Board. The Board shall consult with legal counsel or appoint an appropriate agent to conduct the investigation.
The Superintendent or designee shall determine whether a complaint against any other employee should be considered a complaint against the district and/or an individual employee, and whether it should be resolved by the district's process for complaints concerning personnel and/or other district procedures. Any complaint of child abuse or neglect alleged against a district employee shall be reported to the appropriate local agencies in accordance with law. Any complaint alleging that an employee engaged in unlawful discrimination (such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) in district programs and activities shall be filed in accordance with BP/AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. Any complaint by an employee, job applicant, volunteer, intern, or independent contractor alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment by an employee shall be filed in accordance with AR 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment.
Any complaint subject to this policy and the accompanying administrative regulation shall be investigated by the principal, the employee's immediate supervisor, the Superintendent or designee, legal counsel, agent of the Board, and/or other appropriate person who is not the subject of the complaint or subordinate to the employee charged in the complaint. The complainant and the employee shall have an opportunity to present information relevant to the complaint.
A complaint that is filed anonymously may be investigated by the Superintendent or designee depending on the specificity and reliability of the information.
If a complainant requests confidentiality, the Superintendent or designee shall inform the complainant that the request may limit the district's ability to investigate the employee's conduct or take other necessary action. However, the Superintendent or designee shall take all reasonable steps to investigate and resolve the complaint without divulging the complainant's identity.
The Board prohibits retaliation against complainants.
If either the complainant or the employee submits an appeal of the Superintendent's decision to the Board, the Board shall determine whether to uphold the Superintendent's decision without hearing the complaint, appoint an appeals committee to advise the Board, or hear the appeal itself.
If the Board decides to hear the complaint, the matter shall be addressed in closed session in accordance with Government Code 54957 unless the employee requests that it be heard in open session. The Board shall review the original complaint and additional information provided by the Superintendent or designee regarding the steps taken to resolve the issue.
The Board's decision shall be final.
Legal Reference:
33308.1 Guidelines on procedure for filing child abuse complaints
35146 Closed sessions
44031 Personnel file contents and inspection
44811 Disruption of public school activities
44932-44949 Resignation, dismissal and leaves of absence (rights of employee; procedures to follow)
48987 Child abuse guidelines
54957 Closed session; complaints re employees
54957.6 Closed session; salaries or fringe benefits
273 Cruelty or unjustifiable punishment of child
11164-11174.3 Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
300 Minors subject to jurisdiction of juvenile court