Business and Noninstructional Operations
Board Policy No. 3270
Adopted: May 19, 2016
Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies
The Governing Board recognizes its fiscal responsibility to maximize the use of district equipment, supplies, instructional materials, and other personal property while providing up-to-date resources that facilitate student learning and effective district operations. When the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent or designee, declares any district-owned personal property unusable, obsolete, or no longer needed, the Board shall determine the estimated value of the property and shall decide whether the property will be donated, sold, or otherwise disposed of as prescribed by law and administrative regulation.
The Board shall approve the price and terms of any sale or lease of personal property of the district.
If the Board members who are in attendance at a meeting unanimously agree that the property, whether one or more items, does not exceed $2,500 in value, the property may be sold without advertising for bids. (Education Code 17546)
If the Board members who are in attendance at a meeting unanimously find that the value of the property is insufficient to defray the costs of arranging a sale, the property may be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the Board or may be disposed of in the local public dump. (Education Code 17546)
Instructional materials may be considered obsolete or unusable by the district if they have been replaced by more recent editions or new materials selected by the Board, are not aligned with the district’s academic standards or course of study, and have no foreseeable value in other instructional areas. Such materials may be sold or donated if they continue to serve educational purposes that would benefit others outside the district. Instructional materials are not appropriate for sale or donations if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Contain information rendered inaccurate or incomplete by new discoveries or technologies
- Contain demeaning, stereotyping or patronizing references to any group of person protected against discrimination by law or Board policy.
- Are damaged beyond use or repair.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to be used when selling equipment or supplies originally acquired under a federal grant or subgrant. Such procedures shall be designed to ensure the highest possible return. (34 CFR 80.32)
Legal Reference:
17540-17542 Sale or lease of personal property by one district to another
17545-17555 Sale of personal property
35168 Inventory, including record of time and mode of disposal
60510-60530 Sale, donation, or disposal of instructional materials
25505 District property; disposition; proceeds
3944 Consolidated categorical programs, district title to equipment
3946 Disposal of equipment purchased with state and federal consolidated application funds
549 Surplus property
80.32-80.33 Equipment and supplies acquired under a grant or subgrant