0430 BP - Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education

Philosophy, Goals, Objectives, and Comprehensive Plans
Board Policy No. 0430 
Updated: November 16, 2023


The Governing Board recognizes its obligation to provide a free appropriate public education to all individuals with disabilities, aged 3 to 21 years, who reside in the district. In order to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, the district shall participate as a member of a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) with other districts and the county office of education pursuant to Education Code 56195.1.

The district shall enter into agreements with other members of the SELPA in accordance with Education Code 56195.1 and 56195.7. Consistent with these agreements, the district shall adopt policies governing the programs and services it operates. (Education Code 56195.8)

The Superintendent or designee shall work with the other members of the SELPA to develop a local plan for the education of individuals with disabilities. The plan shall be approved by the Board and the other members of the SELPA, and shall be submitted to the SPI. (Education Code 56195.1)

Each year, the Superintendent or designee shall provide to the Board any data and/or information regarding the special education funding generated by the district as supplied by the SPI and the SELPA in accordance with Education Code 56836.148.

The local plan shall be reviewed at least once every three years and updated as needed to ensure the information contained in the plan remains relevant and accurate. The local plan shall be updated cooperatively by a committee of representatives of special and regular education teachers and administrators selected by the groups they represent and with participation by parent/guardian members of the community advisory committee, or parents/guardians selected by the community advisory committee, to ensure adequate and effective participation and communication. (Education Code 56195.9)

Special education programs and services shall be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The results of such evaluations shall be used to identify and correct any program deficiencies.

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Code
5 CCR 3000-3089 Regulations governing special education
Education Code

Ed. Code 56000-56001 Education for individuals with exceptional needs
Ed. Code 56020-56035 Definitions
Ed. Code 56040-56046 General provisions
Ed. Code 56050 Surrogate parents
Ed. Code 56055 Foster parents
Ed. Code 56060-56063 Substitute teachers in special education
Ed. Code 56170-56177 Children enrolled in private schools
Ed. Code 56190-56194 Community advisory committees
Ed. Code 56195-56195.10 Local plans
Ed. Code 56205-56208 Local plan requirements 56213 Special education local plan
Ed. Code 56211-56214 Special education local plan areas with small or sparse populations
Ed. Code 56240-56245 Staff development
Ed. Code 56300-56385 Identification and referral; assessment, instructional planning
Ed. Code 56440-56447.1 Programs for individuals between the ages of three and five years
Ed. Code 56500-56508 Procedural safeguards, including due process rights
Ed. Code 56520-56524 Behavioral interventions
Ed. Code 56600-56606 Evaluation, audits and information
Ed. Code 56836-56836.05 Administration of local plan
Gov. Code 7579.5 Surrogate parent; appointment, qualification and liability

Gov. Code 95000-95004 California Early Intervention Services Act
W&I Code 361 Limitations on parental control
W&I Code 726 Limitations on parental control
Federal Code
20 USC 1232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974
20 USC 1400-1482 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
29 USC 794 Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Section 504
34 CFR 104.1-104.39 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
34 CFR 300.1-300.818 Assistance to states for the education of students with disabilities
34 CFR 300.500-300.520 Procedural safeguards and due process for parents and students
34 CFR 303.1-303.654 Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities
34 CFR 99.10-99.22 Inspection, review and procedures for amending education records
42 USC 12101-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act
Management Resources
Website CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website California Department of Education, Special Education
Website U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
Cross References
0400 Comprehensive Plans
0420.4 Charter School Authorization
0420.4 Charter School Authorization
0460 Local Control And Accountability Plan
0460 Local Control And Accountability Plan
1220 Citizen Advisory Committees
1220 Citizen Advisory Committees
1312.3 Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3 Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3-E(1) Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3-E(2) Uniform Complaint Procedures
3541.2 Transportation For Students With Disabilities
3542 School Bus Drivers
4112.23 Special Education Staff
5144.2 Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process (Students With Disabilities)
6020 Parent Involvement
6020 Parent Involvement
6146.4 Differential Graduation And Competency Standards For Students With Disabilities
6159 Individualized Education Program
6159 Individualized Education Program
6159.1 Procedural Safeguards And Complaints For Special Education
6159.1 Procedural Safeguards And Complaints For Special Education
6159.2 Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School And Agency Services For Special Education
6159.2 Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School And Agency Services For Special Education
6159.3 Appointment Of Surrogate Parent For Special Education Students
6159.3 Appointment Of Surrogate Parent For Special Education Students
6159.4 Behavioral Interventions For Special Education Students
6164.4 Identification And Evaluation Of Individuals For Special Education
6164.4 Identification And Evaluation Of Individuals For Special Education
6164.41 Children With Disabilities Enrolled By Their Parents In Private School
6164.41 Children With Disabilities Enrolled By Their Parents In Private School
6164.6 Identification And Education Under Section 504
6164.6 Identification And Education Under Section 504

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