6179 BP - Supplemental Instruction

Board  Policy No. 6179

Policy adopted: March 20, 2008
Policy Revised: February 8, 2204


The Governing Board recognizes that high-quality supplemental instruction can motivate and support students to attain grade-level academic standards, overcome academic deficiencies, and/or acquire critical skills. The district shall offer programs of direct, systematic, and intensive supplemental instruction to meet student needs. Supplemental instruction shall be offered in accordance with law and may be used to assist the district in meeting its goals for student achievement.

Supplemental instruction may be offered during and outside the regular school day, including during the summer, before school, after school, on Saturday, and/or during intersessions. When supplemental instruction is offered during the regular school day, it shall not supplant the student's instruction in the core curriculum areas or physical education.

As appropriate, supplemental instruction may be provided through a classroom setting, individual or small group instruction, technology-based instruction, and/or an arrangement with a community or other external
service provider.

When determined to be necessary by the principal or designee and when written parent/guardian consent is obtained for the student's participation, a student may be required to participate in supplemental instruction outside the regular school day.

Supplemental instruction shall be offered to students who are recommended for retention, or are identified as being at risk for retention, at their current grade level. (Education Code 48070.5)

In addition, supplemental instruction may be offered to:
1. Students who demonstrate academic deficiencies that may jeopardize their attainment of academic standards
2. High school students who need support to successfully complete courses required for graduation

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
Legal References
State Code:
5 CCR 11470-11472 Summer school
Education Code:
Ed. Code 37200 School calendar
Ed. Code 37223 Weekend classes
Ed. Code 37252-37254.1 Supplemental instruction
Ed. Code 42238.01-42238.07 Local control funding formula
Ed. Code 46100 Length of school day
Ed. Code 48070-48070.5 Promotion and retention
Ed. Code 48200 Minimum school day
Ed. Code 48985 Notices to parents in language other than English
Ed. Code 51210 Course of study for grades 1-6
Ed. Code 51220-51228 Courses of study; secondary schools
Ed. Code 52060-52077 Local control and accountability plan
Ed. Code 60603 Definition; recently arrived English learner
Ed. Code 60640-60649 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
Management Resources
California Department of Education Publication Every Student Succeeds Act 2016-17 School Year
Transition Plan, April 2016
Website CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website California Department of Education
Website CSBA
Website U.S. Department of Education
Cross References
0415 Equity
0460 Local Control And Accountability Plan
0460 Local Control And Accountability Plan
0470 COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
5113.1 Chronic Absence And Truancy
5113.1 Chronic Absence And Truancy
5121 Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement
5121 Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement
5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention
5147 Dropout Prevention
5148.2 Before/After School Programs
5148.2 Before/After School Programs
6000 Concepts And Roles
6011 Academic Standards
6111 School Calendar
6112 School Day
6112 School Day
6120 Response To Instruction And Intervention
6141 Curriculum Development And Evaluation
6141 Curriculum Development And Evaluation
6142.6 Visual And Performing Arts Education
6142.7 Physical Education And Activity
6142.7 Physical Education And Activity
6142.91 Reading/Language Arts Instruction
6142.92 Mathematics Instruction
6142.93 Science Instruction
6142.94 History-Social Science Instruction
6146.1 High School Graduation Requirements
6146.5 Elementary/Middle School Graduation Requirements
6152.1 Placement In Mathematics Courses
6152.1 Placement In Mathematics Courses
6162.51 State Academic Achievement Tests
6162.51 State Academic Achievement Tests
6164.5 Student Success Teams
6164.5 Student Success Teams
6173 Education For Homeless Children
6173 Education For Homeless Children
6173-E(1) Education For Homeless Children
6173-E(2) Education For Homeless Children
6173.1 Education For Foster Youth
6173.1 Education For Foster Youth
6173.2 Education Of Children Of Military Families
6173.2 Education Of Children Of Military Families
6173.4 Education For American Indian Students
6176 Weekend/Saturday Classes
6177 Summer Learning Programs
6184 Continuation Education
6184 Continuation Education

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