Supts eNews - May 31, 2024


In this edition ...

  • Year-End Successes
  • Staff recognitions: Retirements and years of service
  • Employee, teacher of the year
  • May 30 Board meeting review: Parcel tax, CSEA negotiations, LCAP, Budget and more
  • MVWSD Summer is here! Academic practice and free meals
  • District Office summer hours
  • Summer construction
  • High Fives

Year-End Successes

successesThank you for all you have done to support our schools and students this year. When we work together as a community to accomplish a quality education, all of our students benefit! Click here to view just a few of our collective accomplishments. 

Staff members’ years of service and retirements

retirementsPlease join us in recognizing our staff members’ years of service and retirements. We are grateful to our MVWSD staff members (see the list here) for their years of dedication and commitment to our students and families. Please see more about our recognized staff members on social media and on

Employee, teacher of the year

Moira turnerMoira Turner, library specialist at Monta Loma, was named Employee of the Year. Ms. Turner has worked for 15 years at MVWSD, including Graham and Monta Loma. She has extensive knowledge about children’s books that ensure she can help students pick one that is perfect for them. She goes above and beyond to help students with their reading skills and to instill a love for reading in each student.

Marco ArceMarco Arce, PE teacher at Crittenden Middle School, was named Teacher of the Year. He has worked in MVWSD for 12 years as a teacher and athletic director. Mr. Arce is known for his connections with students. His commitment to students runs deep as he is known for forging relationships with all students and their families, making them feel encouraged and connected to school.

May 30 Board meeting review: Parcel tax, CSEA negotiations, LCAP, Budget and more

First Reading of Resolution of Parcel Tax Election: Trustees took the first step in the process to put a parcel tax on the ballot in November to replace expiring parcel tax revenue. MVWSD has been exploring a rate of 15 cents per building square foot with a cap on the amount any one parcel could pay. Read more here.

Tentative Agreement with CSEA: The Trustees approved a tentative agreement between MVWSD and the California School Employees Association for a successor agreement for school years 2024-2027. The agreement with classified employees includes 5-5-4% increases in salaries each year for the next three years. MVWSD is grateful for the productive, respectful negotiations process with CSEA. In accordance with past practice, the salaries of management and unrepresented staff will increase by the same percentages.

Local Control Accountability Plan: School districts must develop a three-year plan, the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), to explain their goals and strategies for improving achievement for all students, as well as provide updates on the prior year’s plan successes and challenges through the annual update. MVWSD presented its draft LCAP built with student, parent and community input. For details of the plan, click here.

Public Hearing: 2024-25 Budget Adoption, Overview and May Revise: The budget process of a school district requires the district to produce and adopt a budget by June 30 for the upcoming year. The Board reviewed the 2024-2025 Budget; a reflection of the District’s priorities for the upcoming year. Click here to learn more.

Health & Wellness Annual Report: Staff presented progress on the District’s Health and Wellness goals, including efforts to improve nutrition, physical fitness and social-emotional wellness. Click here to learn more.

Considerations for Heritage/Awareness Months: The Trustees discussed a plan for acknowledging heritage/awareness months based on feedback from the District Equity Advisory Committee. Click here to learn more.

ReImagining Castro Plan of Action: Staff presented the final installment of year-long updates and offerings from the Re-Imagining Castro EdRoundtable group. Per Board direction, this group was formed to help create an action plan to increase access to high-quality and culturally-responsive educational experiences and supports for students at Castro that result in increased outcomes over time. The presentation included specific efforts as part of a three-year plan including free breakfast for all, recess support, a newcomer support teacher and professional development days for teachers/staff. To learn more, click here.

California Dashboard: The California Dashboard shows how schools are performing under California's school accountability system. The Trustees reviewed the Local Indicators data - data that is collected by districts - that will be presented along with state data on the state’s Dashboard released in December. To learn more, click here.


Check out the MVWSD “Summer Menu” for learning activities you can do at home this summer

summer menuClick here - - for information about free meals and a handy list of resources for students to practice their academic skills this summer.

Summer meals at schools and on the move

food for thought truckFree meals provided by MVWSD and Second Harvest Food Bank are available to everyone throughout the summer at these locations. No questions. No age limit. No IDs required. The summer meals program reaches children who need good nutrition when school is out of session.

Rengstorff Park
June 6 - July 26, 2024
11:30 AM-12:45 PM
(No Meals June 19 & July 4)

Castro Elementary
June 6 - 28, 2024
11:30 AM -12:30 pm
(No meal pick on June 19)
Meal pick up in front of Mistral Elementary School, 505 Escuela Ave.

District Office summer hours

This summer, the District Office, 1400 Montecito Ave., is open for business Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. from June 3 - July 26. The District Office is closed Wednesday, June 19 in observance of Juneteenth and Thursday, July 4 for the Fourth of July. Starting Monday, July 29, the District Office is open Monday through Friday.

Summer construction

constructionThis summer will be a light year for construction at our sites. Here are a few construction projects to be aware of:

Windows will be replaced at Crittenden, Imai, Landels, Monta Loma and Theuerkauf. Window installation work, needed to replace older windows and increase energy efficiency, is planned for June through August. Work will take place during business hours in the summer.

Landels will get a new blacktop surface June 5-16. Due to wear and tear exposing unsafe cracks, the existing blacktop playground will be resurfaced and striped. The school's blacktop areas will be off-limits during this time.

Construction has been scheduled to minimize disruptions for students, staff and neighbors. Thank you in advance for your patience.

High Fives

Preschool's highest rating is reconfirmed
preschool readingLatham Preschool has had its Tier 5 rating, the highest attainable, reconfirmed through the state's Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Additionally, it received a "perfect" score in all categories.

Both sites of the MVWSD preschool program have received a Tier 5 (Platinum) rating from the state. General ed preschool programs that are State Preschool funded are evaluated for the quality based on several criteria. Formal evaluations for re-rating occur in five-year cycles with Theuerkauf next up for a re-rating in 2028. All QRIS scores are made available to the public through First5.

MVWSD Preschool registration is ongoing for next year for 3- and 4-year-olds. There are flexible, low-cost and convenient options for all families, including *New this year* lower tuition and an 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. class, in addition to extended/full-day class until 3 p.m. and part-day (3 hour) classes. For more info go to or call 650-526-3560.


C-SPAN StudentCam Award
cspanGraham Middle School eighth grader Meital was honored at an assembly on May 22 for receiving the first prize award in the middle school division of C-SPAN’s national StudentCam competition. Several Mountain View leaders spoke, and Meital received her certificate and check from C-SPAN's Rachel Katz. To see the winning video, click here: Beyond Just Sc-Fi: AI Reshaping America's Tomorrow.

Laura BlakelyThe Los Altos- Mountain View PTA Council recently recognized MVWSD Trustee Laura Blakely for her many contributions to education with an Elected Official Honorary Service Award. Congrats, Trustee Blakely!


Monta Loma musical
gold dust or bustFourth grade Monta Loma Leopards did an outstanding job with this year's Gold Dust or Bust musical, both at their school performance and their evening performance for family members.



PCEP Certification
computerAfter completing 3 years of studying Coding at our middle schools, 32 of our middle school students have successfully attained an industry-level Python Coding certification through the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification (PCEP). This was the first year MVWSD has offered students the opportunity to take the examination, which is the capstone assessment for the TechSmart program. With this certification, students could land a junior-level job in the IT sector and would have met 3 of the 5 minimum requirements for employment with Google. Typically this certification is available to students after high school or entry-level college courses. These students can add this certification to their resume for years to come. We are extremely proud of the hard work and efforts that the students and staff put in to make this a reality!


Monta Loma Ohlone Garden dedication
Ohlone gardenAfter four years of planning and cultivation, Living Classroom and MVWSD dedicated the Muwekma Ohlone Garden at Monta Loma Elementary School on May 29. Monta Loma students will use the garden to learn about the native plants that have been used by the Muwekma Ohlone. The Muwekma Ohlone have inhabited this area for 12,000 years; specifically near Monta Loma Elementary School. Among the speakers at the dedication event was Muwekma Ohlone Tribal Representative Gloria Gomez.


Castro Health and Wellness Faire
clastro faireCastro Elementary held their Health and Wellness Faire for their community on Wednesday. Students and families had a blast playing games, eating churros, and interacting with community partners. Thank you to the staff and volunteers who made this event possible!

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