At the February 8 Board of Trustees meeting:
Staff presented program options for both Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) for the 2024-25 school year.
The District plans to expand the free TK program - based on enrollment - from the current eight classes at five schools to 11 classes at six different schools. These additions offer more choice for parents and support consistency in instruction at sites with young readers who are struggling academically. The three additional TK classes for next year are planned for one each at existing schools - Monta Loma and Imai - and a new classroom at Landels Elementary (pending District enrollment). In the 2024–25 school year, children who turn five between September 2 and June 2 are eligible for TK. For more information about the TK program:
The Board supported the addition of after school care (3pm - 5pm) for 2024-25 for up to 40 students. After school care will be located at two existing preschool classrooms; one at Latham and one at Theuerkauf. The Board’s vision is to move toward more free/low cost, extended-day preschool in future. Preschool registration begins in March. For more information:
Staff reported on transportation for field trips. The Board suggested adjusting the field trip transportation request process to include the possibility of parent drivers and to extend the period for schools to request district bussing for the school year. Staff will bring back more information to the Board at a future meeting.
Staff reported on the mid-year progress toward updates to the LCAP. The Local Control Accountability PLan (LCAP) is a state-mandated, three-year plan that explains MVWSD’s goals and strategies for improving achievement for all students. The LCAP spells out MVWSD’s actions in six broad goal areas, and the funding attached to each initiative. The final LCAP will be approved by the Board of Trustees in June after community input.
Staff presented the Health and Wellness Progress Report with data related to the progress toward our Local School Wellness Policy Annual Goals. School programs include mental health and social-emotional wellness, nutrition, behavioral, and physical fitness.