Supts eNews - Feb. 1, 2024


In this edition ...

  • Complete your LCAP survey today! (before Feb. 16)
  • Black History Month
  • COVID guidelines
  • MVWSD works to update English Language Arts and Pre-K/TK Curriculum for 2024-25
  • Negotiations News

Complete your LCAP survey today! (before Feb. 16)

LCAP graphicThe District is updating the LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan). Your responses to the survey will guide the update of our District plan for the 2024-25 school year.

Parents, please click on your unique survey link sent to your email. Your survey link is unique to your household and only one parent/guardian can complete it.

Your responses are confidential. Students in grades 4-8 will also be taking the LCAP survey. More information found here:


Black History Month

black history monthThe Board of Trustees recently passed a resolution honoring February as Black History Month, a significant annual observance that highlights the invaluable contributions of African Americans throughout history. It serves as a vital reminder of the struggles, achievements, and cultural richness of the Black community, promoting unity and diversity awareness. MVWSD is proud to highlight these contributions through school activities and events.

COVID guidelines

COVID still exists in our community, as do all the other respiratory illness germs that circulate this time of year. We want to do our best to help everyone in our community be safe and well, and have students and staff in-school and healthy as often as possible.

Individuals who have a fever or active or worsening symptoms of any illness should stay home. Please follow the updated COVID regulations from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) that aligns with the common practice of other respiratory viruses. Click here for current COVID guidelines.

MVWSD works to update English Language Arts and Pre-K/TK Curriculum for 2024-25

reading at stevensonAs part of our district’s focus on literacy, MVWSD is reviewing updated English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for our students in grades K-5 and integrated curriculum in preschool and Transitional Kindergarten. In recent decades, more research on children’s cognitive processes, language development, and reading acquisition has shown that curriculum that includes the Science of Reading helps to ensure children develop strong foundational reading skills, enabling them to become proficient readers.

The ELA curriculum adoption committee and PK/TK adoption committee are currently piloting two curriculums each. The curriculums are built from the Science of Reading. In addition, the PK/TK curriculums are also aligned with research on language development and play-based learning.

K-5 ELA Pilot Curriculums:
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts
McGraw Hill Wonders

PK/TK Pilot Curriculums:
Creative Curriculum by Learning Strategies
Three Cheers for PreK by Savvas

Families and members of the public may preview the K-5 ELA and PK/TK pilot curriculums at the District Office, 1400 Montecito Ave., on the following dates and times:

February 12th at 12:00-1:00
February 15th at 12:00-2:00
February 27th at 4:30-6:00
February 28th at 4:30-6:00

If families and members of the public would like to view at a different time, please contact Cyndee Nguyen to make arrangements. To read more about the curriculum adoption process, please see our district website.

Negotiations News

Teams from the District and Mountain View Educators Association met on Jan. 31, 2024. The teams are negotiating a successor contract to replace the current agreement which will expire on June 30, 2024. Please find the latest Negotiations News here.

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